Ms Office Icons


Sunflower Queen
Jun 1, 2004
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This is a quickie...

How can I get the various MS Office icons (excel etc...) to appear in the task bar at the bottom of the screen - it's driving me mad trying to work it out and I know it's dead simple!!

Please can someone tell me??

Gabs xx
right click on a blank bit of your taskbar, untick the "Lock Taskbar" button, right click on a blank bit of your task bar, "Toolbars" (at the top) and in there theres a button called "Quick Launch" - click that

Now drag any icon to the right of the start button.

I am having trouble Chris - I cam unlock the taskbar but can't find toolbars - quick launch.

The other thing is (I installed Office yesterday!) - all my messages are coming through in duplicate (Outlook) - what's all that about and how can I just get one of each??

Could you help me?

Many thanks

Gabs xx
  1. Right-click an unused part of your Taskbar. (Even the clock will do.)
  2. When the menu appears, point at the word Toolbars.
  3. Choose Quick Launch from the slide-out menu.
The Quick Launch Toolbar reappears in its rightful place next to the Start menu, where it remains. The two pictures below show the Taskbar with the Quick Launch Toolbar (left) and without it (right). Repeat the above steps to remove it.

Can't help with Outlook :( ... never used it. ;)
Ok Mucks, thank you!!

I am gonna try that now. think I have 'cracked' the duplicate messages issue - when I checked the settings (and bear in mind I have just imported all my stuff across from Outlook Express) the email account had set up twice - I think that's the issue so have deleted one of he accounts. I might be back if my 'fix' hasn't fixed it.

On with the quick launch!

Many thanks

Gabs xx
Mucks, we are making some progress here!! My next question is: why can I only get 3 icons to appear right of the start button - I have IE, Word and Outlook and I want the other Office features there as well but when I try to move (say) Excel it overwrites some of the others. Things are certainy better than they were so thanks to Chris and yourself but I would like a host of quick launch icons if that's possible.

Many thanks again

Gabs xx
you need to unlock the taskbar, and slide the little dotted vertical line to the right to increase the size of the quick launch area :)
Thanks Chris, I have done that and all the icons are where I want them to be. Can you bear with me with one more question? Can I make the quick launch icons slightly bigger as they are so small that I certainly won't be able to see them without my contacts/glasses!!!!!!!

Many thanks again.

Gabs xx
Hmmm, Gabs the right-click on anything is worth exploring AND the "help & Support Center" too :p

OK, last one ...

Right-click in the taskbar, go upto "View" ... click BIG Icons. ;)
Thank you Mucks. Me thinks you are a bit miffed with my questions today - I am sorry for that.

Soemtimes it's the little things that are tricky when the answer is actually under the nose, so sorry again!!

Gabs xx
gabriella said:
Thank you Mucks. Me thinks you are a bit miffed with my questions today - I am sorry for that.

Soemtimes it's the little things that are tricky when the answer is actually under the nose, so sorry again!!

Gabs xx
Actually you can slap my fingers for being so flippant ... just I thought you knew all about 'right-click' ... ;)

You're right ... I was looking all over the place yesterday trying to find out how to get Rar to work in Linux ... silly to say ... all I had to do was right-click ...

So, I sincerely apologize. :o

Ask as many questions as you like ... I'll be a good boy. :D
You're all right!!! I am trying to do too many things at the moment as I move from employed to SE work and you know when you are under pressure from all over the place - the little things seem really hard when actually they aren't at all!!

I am now grappling with trying to set up some form of accounting system with Excel for the business but don't even get me going on that one because quite honestly I haven't got a scooby doo what I am doing so I might just email the accountant and ask if he has 'something he prepared earlier'.

All is forgiven!!

Gabs xx

You need a cup of tea ... ;)

All I used to start with was a Shoe Box ... and gave the contents to my accountant, who then told me I needed "one of these" and handed over a floppy disk.

If I were you I would ask him/her what they actually do "need" off you ... after all, you are paying them for the service.

One obvious piece of advice is ... keep every and ALL receipts, even the ones for Milk, sugar (even if you don't take sugar) Tea, Coffee ... they were one of my biggest expenditures. :D

I do like "playing" with excel though. :thumb:

... have another cuppa and a sit down with your feet up, put some music on and relax. :cool:
Funnily enough I have a nice cuppa at the side of me as we speak!!

Your advice is good and I will be emailing the accountant man later - no doubt me will have some fancy spreadsheet to send me. I have to be honest and say that I hate spreadsheets and much prefer a paper and pen/book method which I have started. But I am also on this Chamber of Commerce business course and I left my session last week feeling really upset as the system I have started (which came out of my own head so no-one else is responsible!) is not fit for purpose although I do have a careful note of all the expenses to date plus receipts to back things up.

After 2 very wobbly days when I was having major regrets about my course of action I did some careful thinking and realised that although the system might be totally useless I have at least got some form of proper record which can be imported into a decent system.

So I went and got MS Office (having previously relied upon MS Works for my stuff) and installed it and that's as far as I have got for now! (Apart from tweaking toolbars and the like!!)


Gabs x
So I went and got MS Office (having previously relied upon MS Works for my stuff) and installed it and that's as far as I have got for now! (Apart from tweaking toolbars and the like!!)
Kept the receipt? ... of course you did. :D

Gabs, it took me 3 months to get my "bits-n-bobs" sorted in Excel ... now I didn't say that to put you off, just that I worked at it as I went along ... made load of mistakes, but as Copy-Cut-n-Paste were there, I just started a new sheet.

That Excel is one hell of a beast to master ... but if you just take your time, never delete anything, just move it out of the way for the moment and try another approach.

I have a nasty/bad habit of "self teaching" myself ... although there is a shed load of 'examples' on/in the help files AND off the internet. ;)

Look at it this way ... you have an accountant, it is their job to "sort your books out" for any 'returns' needed ... you may have to pay them more for their 'work' but at the end of the day it is their job. So, don't go busting a gut and getting all in a tizzy over it ... Richard Branson never did his own books. ;)

Oh, and one last point ... back-up your data to a CD every day. :thumb:
As mucks said keep all your bills and i mean everything, a decent accountant will get you to keep most of them anything that is related to your business, not sure about loo rolls though:rolleyes: Also if your after a decent package for excel try they may have something that may help you.

But above all if you want to let off steam about an IT problem you know were to come;) Oh, and if it's not a rude question what are you starting up as?
Hello Feckit

Thanks for your reply. I have been looking at Sage but I think that it's more than I need to be honest.

I am setting up as a self employed social work consultant from early May and am getting into a pickle with my books which until last week I thought were relatively ok. My actual needs from an accounting point of view (I think) are relatively simple in that I don't have stock and some of the things that other small businesses may have. My main expenses at the moment are things like stationery, stamps, telephone + fax and business/professional insurance plus registering with the Information Commissioner (Data Protection Act). Payments will come to me by electronic bank transfer and I have a separate bank account set up for the business.

I have been looking around the net this afternoon and have come across this package which at 9.99 looks cheap enough but more to the point looks suitable for me:

Have a look and tell me what you think!!

I wouldn't have a scooby do about setting something up for myself but I can input ok into a relatively simple spreadsheet.


Gabs xx
Hi Gabs,

Looks ok and for that price it will be basic, but if you need to get something better later on you have not paid out much, email them and ask if you can have a demo of the software, you never know if you dont ask? Sage may be better when you expand in a few years time. Good luck:thumb: :D Feckit
Thanks Feckit!!

Dunno about expanding though - one day at a time I think!!

Gabs xx