Brian Reilly, MVP
Hi all you wonderful people,
As an MVP, I have answered a lot of questions here over the years.
Now, it is your turn to answer and teach me something.
It involves MS Graph vs. Excel charting.
First, you all know I prefer making charts in Excel. That bias aside,
I would like to know if this is possible in MS Graph?
Assume you have multiple levels of what I call X-axis labels and want
to summarize that within their own data segments.
Let's assume you have data that reports Total Tried for then entire
data and sub sets of Male or Female (Call that Gender), and then age
groups, being Age 21-29, 30-40, 50+.
The chart I would like in MS Graph, which I can do in the blink of an
eye in Excel, would have the X-Axis have two levels of text (showing
what was for Total Tried and the next level for Gender and next for
Age, and then the other sub-sets, e.g. Male/Female and Age, e.g
(21-29) etc.
I could supply a simple file by email if necessary that shows that in
Excel. But does anyone think this is possible in MS Graph or not?
Love this group. We all learn something every day.
Brian Reilly, MVP
As an MVP, I have answered a lot of questions here over the years.
Now, it is your turn to answer and teach me something.
It involves MS Graph vs. Excel charting.
First, you all know I prefer making charts in Excel. That bias aside,
I would like to know if this is possible in MS Graph?
Assume you have multiple levels of what I call X-axis labels and want
to summarize that within their own data segments.
Let's assume you have data that reports Total Tried for then entire
data and sub sets of Male or Female (Call that Gender), and then age
groups, being Age 21-29, 30-40, 50+.
The chart I would like in MS Graph, which I can do in the blink of an
eye in Excel, would have the X-Axis have two levels of text (showing
what was for Total Tried and the next level for Gender and next for
Age, and then the other sub-sets, e.g. Male/Female and Age, e.g
(21-29) etc.
I could supply a simple file by email if necessary that shows that in
Excel. But does anyone think this is possible in MS Graph or not?
Love this group. We all learn something every day.
Brian Reilly, MVP