MS Dump Reporting tool?




Firstly, my apologies for posting a “background type†of question.

By chance I found this tool running on startup.

1. ( Located: HK_LM:Run, KernelFaultCheck
command: %systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k
file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dumprep.exe
size: 10752
MD5: 13922eb54890c77005268882629a31fe)

Can I uncheck it with out causing any harm to my OS?
What are the advantages of it?
Why did it appear all of a sudden?

In addition I can see some other system services running at start up, any
knowledge about their uses & resourcefulness’?
If not can I uncheck them too?

2. Located: System.ini, crypt32chain
command: crypt32.dll
file: crypt32.dll

3. Located: System.ini, cryptnet
command: cryptnet.dll
file: cryptnet.dll

4. Located: System.ini, cscdll
command: cscdll.dll
file: cscdll.dll

5. Located: System.ini, ScCertProp
command: wlnotify.dll
file: wlnotify.dll

6. Located: System.ini, Schedule
command: wlnotify.dll
file: wlnotify.dll

7. Located: System.ini, sclgntfy
command: sclgntfy.dll
file: sclgntfy.dll

8. Located: System.ini, SensLogn
command: WlNotify.dll
file: WlNotify.dll

9. Located: System.ini, termsrv
command: wlnotify.dll
file: wlnotify.dll

10. Located: System.ini, wlballoon
command: wlnotify.dll
file: wlnotify.dll

Hoping to hear some practical tried & tested views.

Thanking in anticipation.


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Firstly, my apologies for posting a “background type†of question.

No apologies necessary, these questions are entirely appropriate.
By chance I found this tool running on startup.

1. ( Located: HK_LM:Run, KernelFaultCheck
command: %systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k
file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dumprep.exe
size: 10752
MD5: 13922eb54890c77005268882629a31fe)

Can I uncheck it with out causing any harm to my OS?

What are the advantages of it?

It creates a dump file caused by an error during startup, as defined by the
startup and recovery settings. The line was created and inserted in the
registry's run keys when a system fault occured.
Why did it appear all of a sudden?

There was an error at some point during a boot. It may have been recently or
long ago. The file that was created can be used to help identify what the
cause was.
In addition I can see some other system services running at start up, any
knowledge about their uses & resourcefulness’?
If not can I uncheck them too?

No, leave the rest of your list alone. They are system processes and should
not be disabled for normal operations. Google each of them to find their
exact function, or look them up here:

But you knew enough to create and use a signature? I think not that this is
your first time.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Hi Mr. R. Rogers,

Thanks for your very prompt & practical reply.

I do appreciate your knowledge.

Regarding my signature, since English isn’t my first language, still in the
process of learning it, same goes for computer related stuff.

Yes, it’s now been a few weeks since I joined the news group.


Have a great day!

I apologize about my command on English, am a newbie & it is my first
experience in a newsgroup!



One more question Mr. R. Rogers,

As you replied that I can uncheck it with any harm, but since it’s an exe
file how can the file be used to identify the cause?

Can I uncheck, delete the file & remove the registry key it’s created?

Thanks once again.

Sorry to have botheration.


I apologize about my command on English, am a newbie & it is my first
experience in a newsgroup!


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Uncheck the entry and delete the string in the registry, but do not delete
the dumprep.exe file.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

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