Chidex said:
I need DOS commands to be able to do better things. some applications
can not uninstall except in DOS. how? please tell me more
of things like this
I used this page yesterday, to make myself a MSDOS floppy to
boot, so I could install WinXP from a FAT32 partition.
(smartdrv etc.).
It helped me to set up stuff like config.sys and
autoexec.bat for example. Some of the command
line stuff is covered as well.
Your first command in there, could well be "dir" to
list a directory. So some of the commands are
best for things like interactive usage. Or "cd" to
change directories.
Depending on how you're getting your DOS (from a
bootable floppy or from a command prompt window
in Windows), you may have some of the more useful
stuff. For example
dir | more
allows paging through the output of the dir command.
The "pipe" symbol takes the stdout of the dir command
and connects it to the stdin of the more command.
When I was looking in the i386 directory, that helped
to control the large number of lines of output that
were scrolling off the screen. Some boot floppies don't
have a copy of "more" on them.
Who knows, there might even be a book at the library
that describes DOS commands. It's been around long
enough, that the library should have something on it.