I don't believe that adding Spysweeper to the "don't scan" list in advanced
options is going to stop DEfender from alerting to HOst file changes made by
Spysweeper, It might, but I chose another alternative. I cut off Spysweeprs
common ads sites sheild after making a backup of it with Hoster by Funky
Toad. For some reason, Spysweeper reloads items into the host file with every
reboot. Sbybot S&D can be used to add items to the Host file also, but they
seem to be stable and are not constantly being added back. I just simplye
applied Spysweepsers add shield and added its entries, along with Sybots,
then I back that host file up with Hoster, turnef off Spysweepers ad sites
shield, and then restored the backup host file fromHoster. I had to tell
Defender to allow or ignore at each step, but now Defender has stopped all
the alerts. If I get an alert now, it will have to be from an unknown
program, not spysweeper. Hoster makes it very easy to inspect and manipulate
your host file and when done, you can change the file to read only.