Windows Vista MS Co-President claims Vista doesn't need Antivirus


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Sometimes, no, make that often, them Microsoft employees really do shoot themselves in the foot.

It may be more secure, or interpret that overloaded with features that load by default, but it ain't that secure. The fact that since it was released huge patches have been applied to it, speaks volumes.

And from that story, reading between the lines, the MS co-President actually admits Win XP SP2 wasn't/isn't secure.

Odd, that, now they're trying to sell Vista, XP is flawed yet when they were selling XP it was touted as perfect.

Of course we trust Microsoft don't we children? :)

My thanks to Dark Angel at BBF for the link.
Now if I had the time, I'd set up a machine with Vista on and no antivirus and see what happens.
Sadly I don't. (have the time that is).
Even if it doesn't need it, it's always good to have that nice warm safety net
A very old story, touted & posted all over the net at the time. :rolleyes:

You're right on one thing ... there are idiots at MS. ;)

I'm more concerned with the idiots at Sun & Adobe.

Maybe I should start posting all the "bug" fixes need in Linux everyday ... that would shock some people. :thumb:

Dunno what the last comment is supposed to imply ... I have never grown up. :lol:

muckshifter said:
Dunno what the last comment is supposed to imply ... I have never grown up. :lol:


Just because you seem to be on a one man crusade to convince everybody the sun shines out of Microsoft's backside please do not assume that every thread or post I make that criticises Windows is directed at you sah.

That last comment was just a flippant and hopefully humorous throwaway comment from me, no more, no less.

Patches for Linux? Are you sure? Linux is patched almost daily, mostly all of the Distros, because it's open source software and anybody is free to contribute to improve it.

If the community agree any upgrade proposals put forward are beneficial, they are implemented.

Contrast that with Microsoft's closed shop and the forcing upon their users of upgrades whether they want them or not. Yes, within Vista, upgrades are made without your knowledge, even if you chose Custom Installs.

And Vista have just removed the kill switch which totally knackered your installation of Vista if MS thought it was a pirate copy.

Seems they nuked too many legitimate installs and public opinion was growing.

Had I the mind to, I could keep up a constant barrage against Vista but know this.

I do actually quite like it, I'm using and I'm keeping it.

I would like to see some changes made but if a person wants to use Windows then he has to bite the bullet in certain areas.

That's just the way it is.

This is not a Windows v Linux thing. If it was, frankly I think Linux would win.

Linux is hard to understand? So was DOS but people still used it - think about it.

I will not end this post by saying 'I'm outta here' or similar, I'm around.

I like Vista but I won't kiss Microsoft bum and make out everything in the garden is rosy.