Stephen Lawrence said:
anybody have an idea when this going gold? I know MS is bought the Giant
technology that runs it and that was rated one of the best. I wonder what
is taking them so long (I'm sick of having both AdAware and Spybot and
would rather have just one app). Thanks in advance.
MSAS going out of beta will not obviate the need for other anti-malware
software, like Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D, CWshredder. Using an IDS (intrustion
detection system), like Prevx Home, WinPatrol, or Spybot's TeaTimer does
not obviate the need for boundary protection provided by firewalls and
anti-virus software. Having anti-virus software doesn't obviate the need
for anti-trojan software, like TDS-3 or Trojan Hunter, nor does it obviate
the need for and IDS and multiple anti-malware scanners. There is no one
product that will secure Windows. Why? Because inevitably the major cause
of [allowing] infection cannot be eliminated: the user.
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