MS Antispyware interferes with exception handling

  • Thread starter Eric Fredericksen
  • Start date

Eric Fredericksen


The UnhandledException exception handler mechanism no
longer works correctly if MS Antispyware is installed on
Windows 2003 Server with SP1.

I have not tested this on other OS versions SP combinations.

The handler appears to be installed correctly immediately
after the installation call to SetUnhandledExceptionFilter.
However, when a test exception is generated (throw an
uncaught C++ exception) the C++ runtime popus up its modal
dialog and the installed handler is never called.

Uninstall MS Antispyware and the mechanism works correctly.
Reinstall, and it fails again. :(

This bug occurs when the GUI is running or not, and also
when 'real time protection' is NOT enabled. That would
imply that something 'real time' is occurring without my



:) Hack the program? Definately not.

I created a standalone test program that instruments the
exception handlers as per MS instructions, then tests the
handlers by causing exceptions to occur.

The upshot is that programs that want to or need to handle
the "unhandled" exception (the last ditch handler) will
fail and you will get no information about why your program


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