.NET for a client app?
I'd have written it in ADP and I'd be done in 1/4 of the time!
It's not always about you Aaron. Maybe you should write that down and
read it once a day, I think it might help.
Who gives a crap about .NET for client development?? I mean; do you
think that I want to ship a 30mb .NET framework to each of my clients?
Well let's see...including myself....millions of developers
worldwide. Except you because you're emotionally attached to one
platform. Someday when you get done playing with your toy (ADP) you can
step into the real development community with the rest of us.
If your clients are running Windows XP then the framework is already
there. Oh but wait...my bad I just realized how emotionally attached
you get to things...your clients pc's are probably still running
Windows 9x.
You know, Barns & Noble has some books that could help you learn .NET.
You're probably thinking all their books are way too advanced for
you, but just start with ".NET For Dummies". You can even read it 2 or
3 times if it helps.
I mean seriously.. Friggin Idiots!
There you go again, a piece of advice Aaron: If you're incapable of
having an intelligent exchange, then it's best to say nothing.
Otherwise you say things like the above and then everyone knows how
ignorant you are.
Keep it in Access Data Projects; no linked tables; nothing complex..
just a single simple ADO connection.
Do some research Aaron, ADO.NET is faster and all around better then
ADO. Your clients will gain performance and your Sql Server will gain
performance. Aaron....step away from the Access books, I know you are
attached to them but you'll like the new .NET books just as much.
It is Access TIMES eCommerce TIMES Sql Server.
Yeah, do your users a favor and go read some books. I love the fact
that you actually posted how to execute the report using a macro. Back
in the day when I did Access development, We use to laugh about
developers who use macros. I'll be sure and forward this to some of my
development buddies so they can get a good laugh. MACRO'S.....LOL
We'll this has been fun Aaron, now reposting here will be a waist of
your time (not as if your not doing that already with ADP). I'm not
reading anymore from you, nor will I be reposting.
Look, all sarcasm aside, read some books and take an objective look at
VBA is a toy...always has been....always will be.