MS Access Reports and VB.NET Program

  • Thread starter Thread starter JoeW
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I'm utilizing a database that I created within MS Access within a
program I've created in VB.NET. I am using the VB front end to
navigate the information, but want to be able to print a report, that
I've also created within MS Access. I've attempted using the
Access.Application instance, but I get errors when it tries to load the

database. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this, and
what I should do.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Well, yes I have crystal reports, although my experience is quite
limited with it... have you found it is easier to use than MS Access?
I just need something to display a simple report. I'm wide open to
suggestions, and can pick up on most things if I have a chance to work
on it a bit.

Thanks for your help.
Just because Crystal comes with VS, does not mean that it is free to deploy.
There is a licensing charge for deploying CR. From my experience working
with CR (back in 1997), Access was much better of a reporting tool than CR
for developers. It didn't have as good of an end user designer however.

You may want to consider the ReportViewer in 2005 or one of the third party
report tools. I do believe you can run Access reports via interop, but have
not tried it. You should be able to find samples on the web to do this.

Jim Wooley
You need to have the Access application installed (not just the mdb file) on
the computer you want to run the report. Try using this code: (watch out
for word wrap)

Public Sub PrintAccessReport(ByVal sReportName As String, Optional ByVal
sQryName As String = "", Optional ByVal sSQL As String = "")
Dim oAccess As New Access.ApplicationClass
oAccess.Visible = True
'Create new query if needed
If sQryName.Length > 0 And sSQL.Length > 0 Then
oAccess.DoCmd.DeleteObject(Access.AcObjectType.acQuery, sQryName)
'Close and reopen the Access object if above statement failed
oAccess.Visible = False
oAccess.Visible = True
End Try
oAccess.CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(sQryName, sSQL)
End If
'Preview the report
oAccess.DoCmd.OpenReport(sReportName, Access.AcView.acViewPreview, , ,
'Close the Access Instance
If Not oAccess Is Nothing Then
' Call Access Quit method without saving any changes.
' Use Marshal class' ReleaseComObject to release the Access instance.
' Dereference the oAccess variable.
oAccess = Nothing
End If
End Sub

or of course you could just shell to the macro

c:\InsertFullPath\MSACCESS.exe "c:\mySilly.mdb" /X macroname


isn't that easier?

Access reports kick Crystal's ass

While opinions will vary as to which is a better reporting tool,
something else to keep in mind is, the future of your database. If this
database will never grow out of Access then I say write the reports in

If you think this database might someday be upgraded to SQL Server or
Oracle then Crystal will be a much better solution as you wont be
rewriting reports in the future.


you're a ****ing DIPSHIT for starters.

you should use Access Data Projects instead of Crystal.

or Reporting Services.

Crystal is DEAD WEIGHT.

you can't even query Crystal Reports Report Definitions can you?

'Which of these 200 Crystal Reports point to database X'

Crystal Reports and Access can answer this question.
Can Crystal??

if you upgrade your database to SQL Server you don't have to rewrite
anything; except maybe a couple of sprocs.


you're a ****ing DIPSHIT for starters.

You seem like a real likable guy yourself. Do you feel better about
yourself when you put down others? Can we try to have a professional
exchange of ideas now?! Great.
you should use Access Data Projects instead of Crystal.

or Reporting Services.

Crystal is DEAD WEIGHT.

I've had no problems with Crystal or Access. Your obviously emotionally
attached to Access, and unable to see the benefits of both or give
informed professional guidance.
you can't even query Crystal Reports Report Definitions can you?

Never needed too, but I'll look into it.
'Which of these 200 Crystal Reports point to database X'

Naming conventions could answer that questions. Grouping reports in
your VS.NET project could also easily satisfy that question. I have a
..NET project with around 60 reports that query 4 different databases.
By grouping the reports in folders I can easily tell which database a
report queries, don't need to run a query to do that.
if you upgrade your database to SQL Server you don't have to rewrite
anything; except maybe a couple of sprocs.


Lets say he did upgrade his Access database to Sql Server. Keeping in
mind he's using .NET too write his client app. Are you suggesting using
..NET (which can query Sql Server more efficiently than the Jet engine
using ADO.NET) to send a request to Access which will in turn query Sql
Server sending the results back to Access and be displayed in .NET?

Talk about a performance nightmare.

I'm not saying no one should use Access as thier front end tool. Access
works just fine for some and not for others.

What I'm saying is if you are using Sql Server as your back end and
VB.NET as your front end, then why would you use Access? Unless you
were emotionally attached too it.

Unlock your mind sir.
Crystal reports has 1/3rd of the functionality of MS Access.

Can Crystal be used for Sproc development?
Can Crystal be used for Data Entry?

Can you even right-click SORT in crystal?


grow some balls ADP is the most powerful platform anywhere in the
Right-click SORT, Right-click FILTER

I mean come on

..NET for a client app?

I'd have written it in ADP and I'd be done in 1/4 of the time!

Who gives a crap about .NET for client development?? I mean; do you
think that I want to ship a 30mb .NET framework to each of my clients?

I mean seriously.. Friggin Idiots!

Keep it in Access Data Projects; no linked tables; nothing complex..
just a single simple ADO connection.

It is Access TIMES eCommerce TIMES Sql Server.

.NET for a client app?

I'd have written it in ADP and I'd be done in 1/4 of the time!

It's not always about you Aaron. Maybe you should write that down and
read it once a day, I think it might help.
Who gives a crap about .NET for client development?? I mean; do you
think that I want to ship a 30mb .NET framework to each of my clients?

Well let's see...including myself....millions of developers
worldwide. Except you because you're emotionally attached to one
platform. Someday when you get done playing with your toy (ADP) you can
step into the real development community with the rest of us.

If your clients are running Windows XP then the framework is already
there. Oh but bad I just realized how emotionally attached
you get to things...your clients pc's are probably still running
Windows 9x.

You know, Barns & Noble has some books that could help you learn .NET.
You're probably thinking all their books are way too advanced for
you, but just start with ".NET For Dummies". You can even read it 2 or
3 times if it helps.

I mean seriously.. Friggin Idiots!

There you go again, a piece of advice Aaron: If you're incapable of
having an intelligent exchange, then it's best to say nothing.
Otherwise you say things like the above and then everyone knows how
ignorant you are.
Keep it in Access Data Projects; no linked tables; nothing complex..
just a single simple ADO connection.

Do some research Aaron, ADO.NET is faster and all around better then
ADO. Your clients will gain performance and your Sql Server will gain
performance. Aaron....step away from the Access books, I know you are
attached to them but you'll like the new .NET books just as much.
It is Access TIMES eCommerce TIMES Sql Server.

Yeah, do your users a favor and go read some books. I love the fact
that you actually posted how to execute the report using a macro. Back
in the day when I did Access development, We use to laugh about
developers who use macros. I'll be sure and forward this to some of my
development buddies so they can get a good laugh. MACRO'S.....LOL

We'll this has been fun Aaron, now reposting here will be a waist of
your time (not as if your not doing that already with ADP). I'm not
reading anymore from you, nor will I be reposting.

Look, all sarcasm aside, read some books and take an objective look at

VBA is a toy...always has been....always will be.
Crystal reports has 1/3rd of the functionality of MS Access.

Not true, I've used both. Crystal has some functionality that Access
lacks and vice versa. Both are useful tools when applied to the correct
Can Crystal be used for Sproc development?

When you say "Sproc" do you really mean Stored Procedure's? AKA "SP" to
real developers.
Absolutely you can, and thier not limited to just one either. Using
ADO.NET I can compile data from many sources for one single report.
Can Crystal be used for Data Entry?

Why on earth would you want too. That's it, I'm not reading anymore
from you.
Can you even right-click SORT in crystal?

If your users have to SORT your reports then your not creating the
reports correctly.
I know like the back of my hand

ADP isn't a toy.

it's 100 times easier for simple apps; and reporting than all this
'VB.NET Desktop' crap you kids are preaching.

100 times easier to deploy.

It's not 'Access' - as in it's not MDB-- it's real thin Vb6 against SQL
It kicks ass, for the record.

Rather than paying 3rd-party licensing fees and fighting DLL hell--
don't you wish you could iron out and standardize the UI?

Access ADP is just flat out more powerful than your silly on the
desktop lol

VBa has _ALL_ the functionality that you need.

Microsoft just flat-out went the wrong direction when it comes to .NET.

For starters, the XP desktops might have '.net framework 1.0'
installed.. someone might write an SMS app to push 1.1 out to you.
Some desktop users can even pull the .NET 2.0 framework down.

But comparing VBA to your _CRAP_ .NET 1.1?

you dorks can't even edit and continue