MS Access query as a data source for MS word Mail Merge


Bikini Browser

Hi All,

My Name is Dale and I am from Puerto Rico. I am assisting my programmers (from India) gathering information how to do the following. The goal of this project is to make it as user friendly as possible. Merging is not so easy for computer illiterate users, so I want to automate this process.

Is there a way to merge the current single record into Word without any user interface. In other words, I want to Create a Word Mail Merge Data Source using an MS Access Database. Then I would insert the Word Mail Merge fields into my Main Document. As an office automation professional, I would only have to do this one time for my end users. I would have a pre-made merge document already to go, and Access will somehow automatically know the name and location of that document. I will click a button and without doing ANYTHING else, the word document appears on the screen with all the contact information already there for me. All I have to do is to type the body of my message and print or fax it out. No user intervention for configuration will be required. No Wizard will popup, no ODBC configuration, NOTHING like that.

Does anyone have any code or any idea how to do this?

I think we want to write a program using visual basic which uses mail merge feature of MS word. As a data source I think we should use an MS Access query. (I heard this will work.)

The only solution I am aware of results in merging ALL the contacts in my database. I only want to merge the record I am looking at on the form. I think if I use some kind of primary key iI could order MS Word to produce only that record, but I don`t know how to filter or build the correct code...

How can i solve this ? Is there a Microsoft KB article I can review telling me how to get the results I want?

I would pay for this information if required via PayPal.

I found the following links that came close to helping me. Perhaps they can help you in answering my questions.

Thanks in advance.

Dale Allen

Van T. Dinh

See the Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

All you need to do is to change the SQLStatement in the function MergeIt to select only the current Record on the Form.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Hi All,

My Name is Dale and I am from Puerto Rico. I am assisting my programmers (from India) gathering information how to do the following. The goal of this project is to make it as user friendly as possible. Merging is not so easy for computer illiterate users, so I want to automate this process.

Is there a way to merge the current single record into Word without any user interface. In other words, I want to Create a Word Mail Merge Data Source using an MS Access Database. Then I would insert the Word Mail Merge fields into my Main Document. As an office automation professional, I would only have to do this one time for my end users. I would have a pre-made merge document already to go, and Access will somehow automatically know the name and location of that document. I will click a button and without doing ANYTHING else, the word document appears on the screen with all the contact information already there for me. All I have to do is to type the body of my message and print or fax it out. No user intervention for configuration will be required. No Wizard will popup, no ODBC configuration, NOTHING like that.

Does anyone have any code or any idea how to do this?

I think we want to write a program using visual basic which uses mail merge feature of MS word. As a data source I think we should use an MS Access query. (I heard this will work.)

The only solution I am aware of results in merging ALL the contacts in my database. I only want to merge the record I am looking at on the form. I think if I use some kind of primary key iI could order MS Word to produce only that record, but I don`t know how to filter or build the correct code...

How can i solve this ? Is there a Microsoft KB article I can review telling me how to get the results I want?

I would pay for this information if required via PayPal.

I found the following links that came close to helping me. Perhaps they can help you in answering my questions.

Thanks in advance.

Dale Allen

Bikini Browser

Thank you. I think you are right on Target.

Do you know anything about Winfax Pro fax merging?

See the Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

All you need to do is to change the SQLStatement in the function MergeIt to select only the current Record on the Form.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Hi All,

My Name is Dale and I am from Puerto Rico. I am assisting my programmers (from India) gathering information how to do the following. The goal of this project is to make it as user friendly as possible. Merging is not so easy for computer illiterate users, so I want to automate this process.

Is there a way to merge the current single record into Word without any user interface. In other words, I want to Create a Word Mail Merge Data Source using an MS Access Database. Then I would insert the Word Mail Merge fields into my Main Document. As an office automation professional, I would only have to do this one time for my end users. I would have a pre-made merge document already to go, and Access will somehow automatically know the name and location of that document. I will click a button and without doing ANYTHING else, the word document appears on the screen with all the contact information already there for me. All I have to do is to type the body of my message and print or fax it out. No user intervention for configuration will be required. No Wizard will popup, no ODBC configuration, NOTHING like that.

Does anyone have any code or any idea how to do this?

I think we want to write a program using visual basic which uses mail merge feature of MS word. As a data source I think we should use an MS Access query. (I heard this will work.)

The only solution I am aware of results in merging ALL the contacts in my database. I only want to merge the record I am looking at on the form. I think if I use some kind of primary key iI could order MS Word to produce only that record, but I don`t know how to filter or build the correct code...

How can i solve this ? Is there a Microsoft KB article I can review telling me how to get the results I want?

I would pay for this information if required via PayPal.

I found the following links that came close to helping me. Perhaps they can help you in answering my questions.

Thanks in advance.

Dale Allen

Van T. Dinh

Sorry, no. The last time I touch WinFax was about 5 years ago.

Try the Web site of the WinFax developer.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Thank you. I think you are right on Target.

Do you know anything about Winfax Pro fax merging?


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