I have created two access data bases tables with the same format but
different data and I want to merge the two. Is there a way to accomplish the
merge and retaining the two old data bases.( Using MS-Access 2002)
Yes... but it can be anywhere from pretty easy to nightmarishly
difficult, depending on the structure of the databases. If you have
Autonumber keys in your tables, and they're linked to related tables
in each database, you'll have to find some way to resolve the
inevitable conflicts: is CustomerID 318 in A.MDB the same person as
CustomerID 318 in B.MDB? Well, almost certainly not!
In a nutshell, you can use File... Get External Data... Link to
connect to the tables in the other database. You can then run
"appropriate" Append queries to add the remote data to your local
data. The difficulty comes in deciding (for your database) what's
John W. Vinson[MVP]