MS Access forms security

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know how i can create a form without
maxiumizing the form or using the pop up function so
accesses main title page which loads up in the backgroud
i.e the main page with the create table, forms quries
options etc. will not be shown and will not be able to be

At the same time the form will not be taking up the
entire computer screen i just want a little form box
without the access backgoround which gives options to
create forms. etc. being shown to the user.

How can this be acomplished?
Hi Joe,

There is code here that will hide the Access Window:

It's not for the faint of heart. Heed the warnings given!!
Each form will have to be pop-up.

A much better idea in my opinion is to create custom menu bars and toolbars so your
application does not "look" like an Access application. You can also set restrictive
startup properties by going to Tools-->Startup.

Here's a link on creating menu and toolbars. It was written for Access 97, but the
concepts are the same for later versions.

Good luck,
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie
Bend, Oregon
I cant seem to get the module working from the code
displayed on the web page. Would you be able to assist me
I just want the main access page to be minimised.

Thanks in advanced.
Hi Joey,

Hold on a minute there.
The code will HIDE the Access window completely, not minimize it.
Big difference there.

What Access version are you using?

1. Create a back-up copy of your database file. Don't skip this step!!
2. Copy all the code to a new standard module.
3. Compile the code, save the module and name it modHideAccessWindow.
4. Open your main form (the one that opens when Access starts) and go to Design View.
5. Set these Form's Properties:

Auto Center- Yes
Pop-Up - Yes
Modal - Yes

6. Open the code behind the form and copy this code into the Form's Open event:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Visible = True
fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDE)

End Sub

7. Compile the code, close and save the form.
8. Close the database and then re-open. It *should* now completely hide the Access window.

Hope that helps,
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie
Bend, Oregon
Thank you so much it looks very professional now thanks :D

-----Original Message-----
Hi Joey,

Hold on a minute there.
The code will HIDE the Access window completely, not minimize it.
Big difference there.

What Access version are you using?

1. Create a back-up copy of your database file. Don't skip this step!!
2. Copy all the code to a new standard module.
3. Compile the code, save the module and name it modHideAccessWindow.
4. Open your main form (the one that opens when Access starts) and go to Design View.
5. Set these Form's Properties:

Auto Center- Yes
Pop-Up - Yes
Modal - Yes

6. Open the code behind the form and copy this code into the Form's Open event:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Visible = True
fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDE)

End Sub

7. Compile the code, close and save the form.
8. Close the database and then re-open. It *should* now
completely hide the Access window.