Access MS Access Combobox behaviour

Dec 12, 2008
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I'm running an ancient W2K box with Access 2K as well. I am trying to create a Query By Form (QBF) report on a table but I'm having problems. The table is not normalized, it's just a simple list of records. I have most of working using a sample from Microsoft's developer site which tackles this issue with a very simple example.

My QBF is a little more complex in that I am trying to give the user pull-down lists for some fields where there are only a small number of choices available. Starting small, I have two text fields, Branch and Region, which I'm using.

For Branch, I'm populating the list with
SELECT DISTINCT [Lease Info].[Branch] FROM [Lease Info] ORDER BY [Lease Info].[Branch];
For Region, I'm populating the list with
SELECT DISTINCT [Lease Info].[Region] FROM [Lease Info] ORDER BY [Lease Info].[Region];

I can't see any significant difference in the two fields but the Branch combo fills correctly while the Region one doesn't. The Branch box gives me list of Branches and lets me select one. Region combo box shows me the first value but the pulldown is filled with blank lines that I can't select. Removing the "DISTINCT" keyword makes the list larger but it's still blank.

If I remove the Branch combo box, the Region one still doesn't work, so it doesn't appear to be order related. Neither field is indexed. Branch is the second field, after a unique ID key, while Region is the third. Both are text fields.

The Combo boxes are identical except that Branch is replaced by Region in the Region combo. There are about twice as many branches as regions (11 versus 6 - from a total of almost 300 rows).

Any ideas on this? I'm stumped. :(