MS Access as a time clock?

  • Thread starter Thread starter GitarJake
  • Start date Start date


Hello all,

Has anyone here ever used Access as a tool to store and total hours worked
on a bi-weekly basis?

If so, how'd you do it?

Got any examples out there?

Or maybe just a pointer in the right "relationship" direction.

Or maybe there's a better way to think about it....

Any and all thoughts welcome.


Hi Jake,

Probably the heart of it should be a table something like this:

PersonID - the person doing the work.
TaskID - to identify the thing being worked on.
DateWorked - date/time (the day on which the
work was done)
TimeSpent - the hours and minutes spent (probably
stored as a date/time field).
Comment - what the person was doing.

This lets you do all the analysis by person, task, date, etc. that you
might need.

After this it depends on your working practices and needs. For instance
there needs to be some way of making sure that PersonID isn't mistyped,
so you'll need a tblPersons (unless there's already one in a corporate
database that can be used instead). Similarly with tasks.

If people are used to working with time punches, you'd replace the
DateWorked and TimeSpent fields with StartDateTime and EndDateTime

Data entry can get a little complicated if you want to show people a
timesheet for a whole week, one column per day, one row per task. I do
this by having a non-normalised table (one record per task, with field
for TimeSpentMonday, CommentMonday, TimeSpentTuesday and so on. Data is
temporarily stored this way on the workstation, and then converted into
the normalised tblTimeSpent format for permanent storage and analysis on
the central application.