smk23 said:
I really need to understand this. I am prototyping in MS Access with unbound
forms with the intention of taking that to .net, probably (this will
be a web-based app). All the connections to the SQL DB are via ADO. My
expectation was that translation would be a snap. Am I wrong?
Yes, I'm afraid you are very wrong. As others have pointed out, ADO.Net is
a completely different product to ADO, you cannot simply convert code using
ADO to ADO.Net. Furthermore, VB.Net is a very different product to all
preceding versions of VB e.g. VB6, VBA. You cannot simply run your VBA code
in VB.Net, it is a different language. There are enough similarities to
make conversion feasible, but it will not be a trivial exercise.
However, if you are ultimately targetting a web-based application, then your
entire architecture is going to be all wrong if you design it in Access. In
..Net, web forms and ADO.Net work on the basis that that the client data is
"disconnected" from the database: data gets queried from the database by the
web server, shipped out in a web page in the form of a disconnected
recordset, and then the web server forgets about it. The disconnected
recordset, containing modified data, may or may not come back eventually.
If it does, it then gets processed completely independently of the original
recordset created from the original query, which is by now long forgotten.
This is very different from the way that the "connected" recordsets that you
get in DAO and ADO work, which are closely tied into the database at all
Also, you will find that what you can do in web forms in terms of the user
interface is very different to what you can do in Access, which means that
Access is a very questionable tool for prototyping web forms.