I have a table that consists of a field named Minutes, multiple entries for a
specific individual may occur for any given day. I am placing a calculation
in a query that will break the minutes into 15 increments by using the
formula [Minutes]/15. The result value is coming up in correct when the units
are rounded; however, some values are rounded up. Example follows:
Minutes for a specific record; 5, 90, 50 for the same day = .333, 6, 3.333
In the report the total = 9.667, which should reflect 9 only; in the report
it rounded to 10
The next record reflect
Minutes for a specific record;45, 70, 50, 15 for the same day = 3.000,
4.667, 3.333, 1 respectively.
In the report the total = 12, which is correct as 4.667 + 3.333 = 1.
What is the best way to handle this so that total minutes are calculated and
reflected correctly? I did try changing the properties, it did not work.
specific individual may occur for any given day. I am placing a calculation
in a query that will break the minutes into 15 increments by using the
formula [Minutes]/15. The result value is coming up in correct when the units
are rounded; however, some values are rounded up. Example follows:
Minutes for a specific record; 5, 90, 50 for the same day = .333, 6, 3.333
In the report the total = 9.667, which should reflect 9 only; in the report
it rounded to 10
The next record reflect
Minutes for a specific record;45, 70, 50, 15 for the same day = 3.000,
4.667, 3.333, 1 respectively.
In the report the total = 12, which is correct as 4.667 + 3.333 = 1.
What is the best way to handle this so that total minutes are calculated and
reflected correctly? I did try changing the properties, it did not work.