My macros won't work though they are on the trusted list. There is a yellow
triangle on the left side of each macro line and when I dbl clk the field to
run the macro this displays: [Forms]![frmBriefs]![ShipToPrefix], [Prefix]
"The value you entered isn't valid for the field. " I've looked at everything
to no avail. All the macro does is copy values from the record on the form
to the shipping fields on the same form if there isn't an alternate shipping
address present. PS. wondering if it has to do with filtered being on when
the form opens though I turned that off?
Any help is greatly appreciated... very frustrated here...as this upgrade
didn't go as planned. Thanks
triangle on the left side of each macro line and when I dbl clk the field to
run the macro this displays: [Forms]![frmBriefs]![ShipToPrefix], [Prefix]
"The value you entered isn't valid for the field. " I've looked at everything
to no avail. All the macro does is copy values from the record on the form
to the shipping fields on the same form if there isn't an alternate shipping
address present. PS. wondering if it has to do with filtered being on when
the form opens though I turned that off?
Any help is greatly appreciated... very frustrated here...as this upgrade
didn't go as planned. Thanks