File space used by deleting records or objects in an .mdb
file is not reclaimed and made available again.
To get around this, click on "Tools | Database Utilities
| Compact and Repair Database...". mdb files need to be
periodically compacted. You can read the help files for
detailed instructions on compacting.
Also, I know in Access 2002 (not sure about 2000), you
can click on "Tools | Options...", click the "General"
tab, and check the "Compact on close" option if you want
it to compact every time you close it.
If you want even more control over when a database is
compacted, you can use the following VBA method as well:
DBEngine.CompactDatabase olddb, newdb, locale _
,options, password
Fill in the variables, put it in a function, and run it
at the event of your choice. Again, you can look up the
help for the CompactDatabase method for specific details.