MS-2007: Error opening .ppt file

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I got the message below after editing my presentation slides with MS-2007
version. "Power point can't read the outline from C:\pgman.ppt. No text
converter is installed for this file type". Does anyone has any
experience/suggesition how to overcome this problem? Several hours spent in
preparing the slides. Cannot imagine starting all-over!

Thanks for ur help.
Desperate ML
Did you by chance use Windows Explorer to change the file name or extension?
It can cause this message.

You might also see if the Viewer or PPT 2003 can open it.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
Hi there,

I am having an identical problem with a file I have been able to access
before using power point 2007. I downloaded a new copy of the original file
in case mine had become corrupted, and I still get the error message. No
versions of power point or of the viewer will open the file. The only change
to my system was downloading updates from microsoft. I did not rename the

Please help!
