Craig A.
Your suggestions seems to be perfect, but may I indulge on you for a
little more info.
I have used the merge method and have set it up, but even though I have
selected a Business Card and selected the size, it seems to only want to
print ONE Card per 8 1/2 by 11 page and I would like 2 across and 5 rows. Is
that possible and when I ask that, I mean is it possible for each card to
advance a name so I do not have 10 cards with the same name, Unit etc on it?
Thanks in advance, I think this may be the barrier.
little more info.
I have used the merge method and have set it up, but even though I have
selected a Business Card and selected the size, it seems to only want to
print ONE Card per 8 1/2 by 11 page and I would like 2 across and 5 rows. Is
that possible and when I ask that, I mean is it possible for each card to
advance a name so I do not have 10 cards with the same name, Unit etc on it?
Thanks in advance, I think this may be the barrier.