MPB - Open Driver MTC0001 Fail !

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"MPB - Open Driver MTC0001 Fail "! I do not know what this errror message is
supposed to mean but I began getting this message upon start up of my PC
after I downloaded updates from The Microsoft Update website. Everything
appears to be work correctly and this message is frustrating. Would someone
please tell me what I can do to disable this message or indeed fix the

Thank you
> "MPB - Open Driver MTC0001 Fail "! I do not know what this errror message is
> supposed to mean but I began getting this message upon start up of my PC
> after I downloaded updates from The Microsoft Update website. Everything
> appears to be work correctly and this message is frustrating. Would someone
> please tell me what I can do to disable this message or indeed fix the
> problem.

I have this problem too. infact it seems to be identical? Any help...anyone?
"Open Driver MTC0001 Fail!" was the error message. The title of the
dialog box was "SB". I hunted around and found a utility called Scroll
Button that seemed to be the offending utility. (The unit is a

I was able to verify this was the culprit my using MSCONFIG.EXE
(launched by using Start-->Run). If you want to use it, do this:

1) Choose Selective Startup on the General tab
2) Uncheck C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SB.EXE on the Startup tab -- exact path
will vary depending on your Windows install directory
3) Exit and restart system -- error should disappear

To get rid of it for good, I first tried uninstalled Scroll Button
using the Add/Remove Software control panel but something was missing
and it was unable to do the job.

So instead I used REGEDIT.EXE and removed the "SB" entry from the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key.
This key contains many different autorunning apps--make sure you delete
the correct one!

I then deleted C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SB.EXE. Once that file was gone, I
re-ran the Add/Remove Software entry for Scroll Button. This time it
gave an error that allowed me to get rid of its entry in the list.


Okay, I've done that but unchecked the box for MPB ( as my msg box title was
MPB ). But not yet rebooted.

I saw at the very top of the list:
'Startup item' [][][]
'Command' [][][]
'Location' HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

What is that and should that be there ?

If you're saying that the contents of the Startup item and Command
fields for that entry are literally pairs of brackets ([]) then I have
no idea. That makes no sense--would not be a valid command that could
be executed.

I would try rebooting with just the MPB entry unchecked. If that works,
delete it with RegEdit. Then, try unchecking the odd entry and reboot
again. If nothing seems to be amiss, delete that with RegEdit too.

I had the same "Open Driver MTC0001 Fail!". Mine was in the title box
ESB. I had had this since updating to SP2 and it did not effect any
operations. I carried out what you said and deleted the appropriate
key, and the message disappeared. It took me a matter of five minutes
from reading your post. Nice one, it worked a treat.

QUOTE=Kent Sullivan]"Open Driver MTC0001 Fail!" was the error message.
The title of the
dialog box was "SB". I hunted around and found a utility called Scroll
Button that seemed to be the offending utility. (The unit is a

I was able to verify this was the culprit my using MSCONFIG.EXE
(launched by using Start--Run). If you want to use it, do this:

1) Choose Selective Startup on the General tab
2) Uncheck C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SB.EXE on the Startup tab -- exact path
will vary depending on your Windows install directory
3) Exit and restart system -- error should disappear

To get rid of it for good, I first tried uninstalled Scroll Button
using the Add/Remove Software control panel but something was missing
and it was unable to do the job.

So instead I used REGEDIT.EXE and removed the "SB" entry from the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key.
This key contains many different autorunning apps--make sure you
the correct one!

I then deleted C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SB.EXE. Once that file was gone, I
re-ran the Add/Remove Software entry for Scroll Button. This time it
gave an error that allowed me to get rid of its entry in the list.


MPB - Open Driver MTC0001 Fail ! [solved]

Hi !

I know the subject is quite old but I guess I just solved it !

I had the same problem too, with the title box "MPB".
I was kind of desperate, so as Kent Sullivan suggested, I removed the mbp entry from the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, using RegEdit.
I was about to remove it from msconfig too, when I found out that this program was actually called Media Power Button and is distributed by MiTAC Technology Corp.
Now the name MTC0001 makes sense too...

So I went to the company homepage, and clicked on the Service section.
I entered mpb in the search field on the left, and it led me to a downloadable driver file !
I extracted the .zip file and installed it on my computer.
Seems to work !!!!

Now I hav the Media Power Button program launching without any problem at startup, and the deleted MPB shows up in the registry key again !
So everything is fine, though I still wonder what the function of this button is...

I just checked on the linked page, and you can get drivers for the Scroll Button and for ESB too !
Hope this is helpful.

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Alvarin said:
Hi !

I know the subject is quite old but I guess I just solved it !

I had the same problem too, with the title box "MPB".
I was kind of desperate, so as Kent Sullivan suggested, I removed the mbp entry from the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, using RegEdit.
I was about to remove it from msconfig too, when I found out that this program was actually called Media Power Button and is distributed by MiTAC Technology Corp.
Now the name MTC0001 makes sense too...

So I went to the company homepage, and clicked on the Service section.
I entered mpb in the search field on the left, and it led me to a downloadable driver file !
I extracted the .zip file and installed it on my computer.
Seems to work !!!!

Now I hav the Media Power Button program launching without any problem at startup, and the deleted MPB shows up in the registry key again !
So everything is fine, though I still wonder what the function of this button is...

I just checked on the linked page, and you can get drivers for the Scroll Button and for ESB too !
Hope this is helpful.


Hi Alvarin :)

Do you still have the file that you downloaded? The link in your reply no longer works and I can't find any other ref to solving the problem. Your solution worked for me in the past, but I deleted the file when doing a fresh install using the recovery disc - doh!!!! :mad: If you do have the file, can you pm me please.

