MP3's direct to Audio-CD burn?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ian Smith
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Ian Smith

Any freeware app which can do this without "wasting time" converting to wav
files first?


On 30 Mar 2004, Kerodo wrote

I'm not sure that it will: when I tried burning a lower-spec .wav file
in DeepBurner, it insisted that it be in 16-bit/stereo/44,800/wav
before it would burn.

I didn't try MP3 to audio, but I'd have assumed that since it wouldn't
take a different spec of .wav file, it probably wouldn't accept an MP3,
On 30 Mar 2004, Harvey Van Sickle wrote

re: Deep Burner and audio CDs

I didn't try MP3 to audio, but I'd have assumed that since it
wouldn't take a different spec of .wav file, it probably wouldn't
accept an MP3, either.

My mistake -- you can drag-and-drop MP3 and ogg files (as well as the
16-bit stereo .wav files).
Ian said:
Any freeware app which can do this without "wasting time"
converting to wav files first?

No because it is an impossibility.

MP3s *have* to be decoded to wave, either to play or burn as audio to a
disc. However, virtually all burning programs will do it for you,


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No because it is an impossibility.

MP3s *have* to be decoded to wave, either to play or burn as audio to a
disc. However, virtually all burning programs will do it for you,

errr, you may want to check your information first, I have a cd full of mp3's
that I play on my computer.

derek / nul said:
errr, you may want to check your information first, I have a cd full of mp3's
that I play on my computer.


Doesn't whatever software you use to play your MP3's use a decoder to play
them? I use winamp and it has various decoders that work with most of the
media I play. It includes one for MP3.

errr, you may want to check your information first, I have a cd full
of mp3's that I play on my computer.


By definition an Audio CD is not a disc with mp3s on it. Mp3s on a CD
would be a Data CD and some players can handle this and of course so
can your computer. But, as I already said... an CD with mp3s on it is
not an Audio CD.


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A cat that meoweth much catcheth but few mice.
derek said:
errr, you may want to check your information first, I have a cd
full of mp3's that I play on my computer.

No need to check, it is accurate.

Neither you nor anyone else has ever heard an MP3. An MP3 is merely a sort
of shorthand representation for a wave. When you "play" an MP3 the player
decodes the MP3 to wave which is then sent to the sound card.


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Kerodo said:

Thanks for the reply, but Deepburner appears to convert all the MP3's to
wav (or something), in a temp file, before burning the audio disk. It takes
several minutes to do this before burning commences.
Just wondered if some app did it in real time from MP3 straight to disk,
without the intermediate processing stage. Perhaps that would be too much
number-crunching for the average desktop to do while burning at the same


Thanks for the reply, but Deepburner appears to convert all the
MP3's to
wav (or something), in a temp file, before burning the audio disk. It
takes several minutes to do this before burning commences.
Just wondered if some app did it in real time from MP3 straight to
without the intermediate processing stage. Perhaps that would be too
much number-crunching for the average desktop to do while burning at
the same time?

Seems to me that there's going to be some kind of conversion there no
matter what, to get it onto disk. I'm not sure what difference it makes if
it's done on disk or in ram. It's still gonna take some time...
derek said:
Rubbish, I have a disk full of mp3's, they were *NOT* converted to wav.

Mp3 and wave can be played without conversion, in the computer.
If you want to convert mp3 to wave to create an audio cd you need to
convert, and that takes time.
(it is not a good idea, though, to convert back to audio from mp3)

CD burner programs like to have all files ready before starting the
burning process, so they first create a disk image or a table of files
to use. If there are only a few files this takes only a second, if there
are thousands of files it takes a while. If something needs to be
converted first it takes even longer.

If you have mp3:s on a cd you need a computer, or an mp3player to play
it. A normal audio cd player cannot play mp3 files.
Roger Johansson said:
Mp3 and wave can be played without conversion, in the computer.
If you want to convert mp3 to wave to create an audio cd you need to
convert, and that takes time.
(it is not a good idea, though, to convert back to audio from mp3)

CD burner programs like to have all files ready before starting the
burning process, so they first create a disk image or a table of files
to use. If there are only a few files this takes only a second, if there
are thousands of files it takes a while. If something needs to be
converted first it takes even longer.

If you have mp3:s on a cd you need a computer, or an mp3player to play
it. A normal audio cd player cannot play mp3 files.

I'm replying to the original poster and anyone else that wants a
little more info.

To make a music CD that will play on any home or car stereo you should
use a CD-R (not CD-RW) and burn it as an "Audio" or "Music" CD,
depending on the option your burning software provides. Don't burn it
as an "MP3" or "Data" CD unless you want it to only play on your
computer, or in a newer portable/home CD player which is capable of
playing MP3s. You can use a CD-RW for "MP3" or "Data" CDs.

As has been said by others, whenever you make (burn) an "Audio" music
CD from MP3s, the burning software must first convert (decode) the
MP3s to WAV before it burns them to the CD. Once upon a time it was
necessary to do this in two separate steps, but now most burning
software does it on-the-fly. It still does the conversion -- but to
borrow a word from another poster -- it does it transparently. The
WAVs which have been created on your hard drive for burning purposes
will automatically be deleted once the burning process is finished.

As far as what software to use, you might want to take a look at
iTunes for Windows. It is FREE. It can burn "Audio", "MP3", and
"Data" CDs from MP3s, WAVs, or other CDs. It will also do the
opposite and allow you to Extract or Rip ("Import" is the word Apple
uses) songs from your music CDs and Encode them as MP3, WAV, AAC, or

Personally, I prefer to use CDex or EAC (Exact Audio Copy) for ripping
and encoding -- both are FREE -- but if you're looking for an
all-in-one solution, iTunes may be the answer for you. It also does a
good job at organizing your music library although it does have it's
own proprietary folder structure and file-naming convention.
derek said:
Rubbish, I have a disk full of mp3's, they were *NOT* converted to

You don't read well. When you play them they *are* decoded to wave.


dadiOH's dandies v3.0...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
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