Suresh Lohar
Recently I recorded a DVD on my computers DVD RAM with MP3 music songs.
This DVD I can play well on my computer, but when I insert the same into my
seprate DVD Player, it shows all the folders and songs files, but unable to
the songs, means I can't hear the sounds. Why is it happen so.
I used Nero 6 to record this DVD.
Yours help in this regards hight appriciated.
Recently I recorded a DVD on my computers DVD RAM with MP3 music songs.
This DVD I can play well on my computer, but when I insert the same into my
seprate DVD Player, it shows all the folders and songs files, but unable to
the songs, means I can't hear the sounds. Why is it happen so.
I used Nero 6 to record this DVD.
Yours help in this regards hight appriciated.