Mp3 Player

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steven Revell
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Steven Revell


Does anyone know of an code to act as an mp3 player in
vb / vba.

I want to build my own and either use excel or vb6 to do

I can read tags but i can't play files.

Please help,


a solution I was using a while back in something I built to edit ID3 tags
and sort files was to use a windows media player active x control. If you
set a reference to the control "wmp.ocx" in your project you can embed the
control on a form then use built in methods to play files. These are quite
sophisticated and take a while to figure out, but are also powerful,
including things like an EndOfStream event, allowing you to queue another
song when the first one finishes.

This gets around having to rely on custom built code that in turn probably
requires an MP3 licence. If you are looking at redistribution I seem to
recall that you can apply to MS for permission to redistribute your project
with the WMP ocx control, but as I said it was a while ago.

Robin Hammond
Here is a double click event I use in a songs.xls file where I have the
typed names of the mp3 files. Just double click on the artist name or the
song title and xl uses the computers default mp3 player.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As

'this part sorts the list by the active column if cursor on row 4
If Target.Row = 4 Then
Range("a5:g" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row) _
..Sort Key1:=Cells(5, ActiveCell.Column), Order1:=xlAscending,
Cells(5, Target.Column).Select
End If

'this is the part that plays

mc = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "e")
'where the FULL path and file name are in col E
If Target.Row > 4 Then
x = Right(Application.OperatingSystem, 4)
If x < 5 Then
cmd = "Start " & Chr(34) & mc & Chr(34)
Shell cmd 'works with xl97
Dim FullFileName As String
FullFileName = mc
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=FullFileName
End If
End If
End Sub