mp3 files on the web

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I've got a good running pps saved to a website. It has animation and sound and seems to run great. But it finally dawned on me that the show was accessing the mp3 files from my hard drive, not the web files.

Is there anyway I can get this file to access these mp3 files on the web? All the sound files are loaded in the same public_htm folder, but it's looking for files in another location. I tried to point to these sounds with an http:/.... location, but PP refuses. I went through the painstaking process of redoing the whole thing in MS Producer, but it won' even run up there. Running show from any other PC just delivers a mute show with the transition timing all screwed up. Thanks.
When the presentation is played from the web, the .ppt or .pps file is
downloaded to the user's temporary internet files folder and run from there.
The sound files don't get downloaded, so they go missing. Among the work
arounds are:

1. If you use WAV files and ensure that they are embedded, the sound will
play. The down side is that WAV files tend to be very large.

2. If you zip the presentation and the sound files into a single zip
archive, they will stay together. The down side to that is that users will
have to download and unzip the file totheir hard drive and then open it in
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun CD software, templates, and tutorials

tomwalshco said:
I've got a good running pps saved to a website. It has animation and sound
and seems to run great. But it finally dawned on me that the show was
accessing the mp3 files from my hard drive, not the web files.
Is there anyway I can get this file to access these mp3 files on the web?
All the sound files are loaded in the same public_htm folder, but it's
looking for files in another location. I tried to point to these sounds with
an http:/.... location, but PP refuses. I went through the painstaking
process of redoing the whole thing in MS Producer, but it won' even run up
there. Running show from any other PC just delivers a mute show with the
transition timing all screwed up. Thanks.
WAV files are the only media files that *can* be embedded. As long as their
size doesn't exceed the limit that you set in Tools > Options > General,
they will be embedded. After thinking more about it, however, you probably
don't want to use that work around. An MP3 of 3 MB will probably convert to
a WAV of 30 MB. That makes downloading the presentation from the web
impractical for all but the hopelessly patient souls.

tomwalshco said:
Thanks for your quick answer to my question about mp3 files on the web. I
guess my questions back would be - how do I embed wav files into the
presentation? and will wav files hurt the speed or viewer performance?
Thanks again...