MP3 File Management


Mark Scott

Just a quick tip for anyone who has experienced anoying lockups in Windows
Explorer. If you are trying to open up a folder with a load of MP3s (I
have over 6,000) and you have it sorted by Artist or Track Name (details
view) then the next time it opens up then it could take ages to display and
could possibly lock up explorer.

A better way is to use WMP library function and use the search bar in there
to find your MP3s. - Sorry if this is obvious to many but It wasn't to me
until today!!!

Is there any way to make Explorer faster on sorting by artist or track name?



Mike Williams [MVP]

Mark said:
Just a quick tip for anyone who has experienced anoying lockups in Windows
Explorer. If you are trying to open up a folder with a load of MP3s (I
have over 6,000) and you have it sorted by Artist or Track Name (details
view) then the next time it opens up then it could take ages to display and
could possibly lock up explorer.

I think this has something to do with an old Windows problem with
folders of any audio/video files. The solution involves deleting some
file handlers from the registry - which has the side effect of stopping
display of a/v metadata in the file-system, but does wonders for
performance. I don't have the link to the solution to hand, but IIRC
it's on one of the Windows XP MVP sites like Kelly's Corner.

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