Fire fox is crap why bother using it
Ask any Firefox user and they will explain to you, in mildly hysterical
fashion, how your computer is about to be overcome with spyware and
viruses, your identity stolen, your children molested, etc. etc. - All
because you use IE. ;-)
Like you, I don't buy into the hype. I've been using IE for, hmm,
seven or eight years? Never had any problems whatsoever. Seems
Firefox's marketing campaign is centered around scare tactics.
Of course if you are this kind of person who clicks ANY dialog boxes
that appear on your screen, like you're playing Starcraft - OK, Yes,
Install, Yes, OK, OK, Apply... (Running with Admin rights 24/7, of
course.). Then come screaming around to the forums about how: "IE
hosed my computer!!!!!!11!!1". Well, you need more than Firefox?