why I switched from moz to myie2
(1) myie supports .mht files
(2) under the Window menu, myie lists all the titles of tabbed web pages -
tabs often can't display enough text
(3) feature to allow only one instance of myie - prevents proliferation of
browser windows
(4) I got proxomitron working with ie and myie again, I was having problems
with that
(5) all those goodies I haven't even tried out yet
Still love moz, but too many annoyances. Nice things about moz
(1) built-in bookmark manager
(2) built-in download manager
(3) password manager
(4) logical and intuitive tabbed browsing feature - maybe better than myie
(5) handles some pages better than IE
(6) lots of other good things
(1) myie supports .mht files
(2) under the Window menu, myie lists all the titles of tabbed web pages -
tabs often can't display enough text
(3) feature to allow only one instance of myie - prevents proliferation of
browser windows
(4) I got proxomitron working with ie and myie again, I was having problems
with that
(5) all those goodies I haven't even tried out yet
Still love moz, but too many annoyances. Nice things about moz
(1) built-in bookmark manager
(2) built-in download manager
(3) password manager
(4) logical and intuitive tabbed browsing feature - maybe better than myie
(5) handles some pages better than IE
(6) lots of other good things