Movioe maker 2 locks up wants to send error report.

  • Thread starter Thread starter R.E. Jeffery
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R.E. Jeffery

Since deleting a file last week, when movie maker2 opens it cannot locate
the file, it shows them with X's. It then says it has encountered a problem
and needs to close down. Have tried reinstalling but no change.

How do I cure this, a total delete? Any ideas, I need to use the program


You have to put back the file you deleted last week..... or make a new

Movie Maker projects need the source files that were there when you made
them.... the red X indicates the file is missing.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

"You have to put back the file you deleted last week..... or make a new

Movie Maker projects need the source files that were there when you made
them.... the red X indicates the file is missing."
Thanks for info, but how do I get a new project in when I have the error
message up and it closes down!!! Can I just ignore the message and create a
new one. Thanks for prompt reply

Hello there

Movie Maker generally does not crash because files are missing from a

Your first step should be to download the full version of Movie Maker 2
and do a manual install. You should reboot your system first and go directly
to installing the fresh Version of MM2. With luck this will over write the
registry entry that contains the information about the last file opened.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Your first step should be to download the full version of Movie Maker 2
and do a manual install. You should reboot your system first and go directly
to installing the fresh Version of MM2. With luck this will over write the
registry entry that contains the information about the last file opened.

Tried Papa John's way but though I can get a new file to come up it will not
let me go into the time line, it just locks up.

I have downloaded earlier and did a manual install but it did not make any
difference. Should I delete the current version and then install, hope that
this is not too difficult.

Hello again,

I don't suppose you have a backup?

Do you have any idea of which file it is you deleted??? mentioned in your first
message. Is there any likely hood that it is still in your recycle bin?

On the matter of deleting Movie Maker. It does not matter which version, you
can only delete the immediate support files that are contained in the Movie
Maker directory. The bulk of the files needed are not in that directory and in
any case must never be deleted...they are used by the rest of the XP system, so
basically you can not delete it in the proper meaning of the phrase.

Below my signature you will see my standard response to people who have a Movie
Maker Crash some of it will not be relevant and its offered as a last chance
before major steps need to be taken....the major step would be to re-install
everything, and that's a right game as I am sure you already know.

Consider the steps about installing DirectX and all that stuff as worth a try.

Final thought.....create a new user account and log into your system using that
name would be an idea to give the new account full access. Run Movie
Maker, in the hope that it will create a new set of control and information
files. If it works, and I am not sure it will, Consider becoming that new user
and whilst logged on as that new user which MUST have administrator
rights...and provided that you have saved any important files that your
original name has on the system....delete the user you normally log on as,
THEN, reboot the system and log on as the new user and check that Movie Maker
still works. If it does GREAT !!!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

Hello there,

You sound as though you are suffering from a codec problem. There are two root
causes and below you will find the solution for each together with some notes
on other issues.


The one stop solution for that is a program called Rename Codecs and it is
available from my web site (Free). Make sure you check out the FAQ, on the
site, on what it does and how to run it (That will take about one minute of
your time!!) All the info you need is on the web site.

This reassuringly safe to use program requires no knowledge on your part about
what it is doing or how it is doing it or what it is doing it too!!! neither do
you need to know where any of these files are or whether it is safe to rename
them or not.....and best of all, ITS FREE !!!


If this does not solve your problem then try the following has proved
to be a successful procedure for a variety of problems.

1) Download the full version of DirectX Ver 9.0b, Media Player 9 and Movie
Maker 2.

2) Reboot you computer and Install DirectX

3) Reboot again and install Windows Media Player 9

4) Reboot yet again and install Movie Maker 2

5) Reboot one more time

Yes it sounds very tedious, but if you want to be certain all file locks are
removed so that the correct files can be installed this is the way you have to

It is very important that you only download the full versions of these programs
and that you DO NOT attempt an install over the internet.

Other Notes
Graphics Acceleration

There is advice floating around that you should disable the graphics
acceleration abilities of your graphics card if Movie Maker locks up or crashes
out. Doing this is roughly equivalent to taking out your current graphics card
and replacing it with one that is several years old....this is not the way

The Graphics card on the machine I edit on is a cut above the average, it has
DV In & Out as well as Video In & Out. It does all sorts of clever things and
it is extremely fast. Then the day came when I tried Movie Maker 2 for the
first time. It was a disaster. Knowing what the problem was I immediately
logged on to Microsoft and got the latest driver. There was no change with the
performance of the Graphics card with respect to Movie Maker. After a lot of
messing about I went to the cards manufacturer and downloaded there most recent
driver. I was convinced that the one from Microsoft was in some way defective.
It turned out that I was right but for the wrong reason.

The version of the driver from Microsoft was more recent than the one on my
system AND more recent than the one from the OEM.BUT, the OEM had made minor
changes to how the card worked and these were not taken into consideration by
the Microsoft update!!!

So, do not get the generic update from Microsoft until you have tried the
latest driver from the manufacturer of your card.


There is in my view some very bad advice floating around that tells you to
unregister the offending codec. If you take this advise be warned that
unregistering any file and doing it wrong will more than likely stop the
program that file belongs to from working all together and may in an extreme
situation cause your entire XP system to fail. This is true whether you make a
mistake using the Registry editor or the registration program itself, one
mistake and you are potentially in deep trouble. Whatever you unregister in
this manner has to be restored and you should take note that the registration
of a codec can often involve more than one registry entry. If you are expert in
these matters you will have no problem.

I have also found that MP3, Mpeg and Jpeg files can cause problems, So...

Convert all MP3 to WAV

Convert all MPeg to AVI

Convert all Jpeg to BMP

Video Conversion

For Video Conversion you should also check out the Knowledge Base Section of my
"Great Links" One of the website's in there "Video Help" has the best
collection of useful information I have yet come across on converting between
the various formats together with links to the software needed.

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John Kelly said:
Hello again,

I don't suppose you have a backup?

Yes, did back up but cannot trace the file, it was only on for a few minutes
before I decided that it wasn't what I wanted. Unfortunately as I have been
having a good clearout to get space for videos I cleared out the recycle
Tried that too it crashed in all users.

I will try codecs, how do they work?

Hello there,

Codecs could be the cause I suppose, there is certainly nothing to loose by
trying it.

Go to my website and download the program "Rename Codecs". There is no
installation needed just put it some where handy, unzip it and run it with the
Auto option turned on, Acknowledge the info messages about what it will not
rename and that's takes less time to do than it did to write this.

Having renamed the known problem Codecs try out Movie Maker.

Whether Renaming the Codecs worked or must remember to restore them
prior to running any other software that might need them (DVD players, DivX

The restore process is quicker than the rename Auto on the
Restore Tab and let it get on with it.

Hope it works, I am not all that sure it will, but you never know
Thanks for help, will have to try over weekend as time running out tonight,
will let you know how I get on.

Bi Ray
Trie3d renaming codecs, no luck. Interesting point, I have Power Director
Pro and this does not work either. This however is not a new problem, I
went onto MM after that didn't work!!!!

Re Direct X If you download from MS you seem to do it on line which is
slightly different to your recommendations. How do you download the whole
file to do it off line?


Do you mean a "re" download and "re" install?
Or is there some way to have less than a full version of
I forget whether mine was called an update or full, but it
was a HUGE download! It installed over the already existing
MM1. Should I have deleted MM1 before installing MM2? I
never thought about that end of things til I started using
MM2 and came across some long delays that didn't seem right
but which I was attibuting to a system problem so far.


Hello there,

There seems to be something up with the news feed.....this message does
not appear at all on my usual source...Never mind.

Yes I mean a download of the full software package to a distinct file on
your system....just the way you would download any other program. It can
then be installed as per my instructions whether or not you are connected to
the internet, in fact it could be argued that it SHOULD be done whilst not
connected to the net.

The instalation will overwrite all relevant files ensuring that they are
indeed the ones required.

It must be done with the full version of the software with all elements
available and each package must only be installed immediately after a reboot
of the system. Internet installs are very generic and that's where they can
fail....Its all to do with files being locked by any other process. Such a
file lock will cause a proper install to fail. This failure results in old
versions of files (those that were locked) being used with the latest
version of the relevant program...the result is a mess.

You cannot uninstall MM1 or MM2 once it has been installed.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hi John

Still perservering before I give up. When I go to get the file I get
dxwebsetup.exe it doesn't work unless you are on line and I can't find a
way to get the .main file to come down to sit in my Downloads file. Sorry
to be a nuisence but could you go into a bit more detail. Don't have the
same problem with Media 9.0

