Moving Worksheets From One File to Another



Hello All,
I am attempting to move worksheets (which contain formulas) from one file
(we'll call it File #1) to another (File #2 obviously), and unfortunately,
the result in File #2 is something that reads ='File #1'A6 (just an example).
How can I move worksheets from one file to another without including the
references to the original spreadsheet? In short, how can I get the cell to
read =A6 after it has been moved to the new document? I would truly
appreciate any help anyone would be willing to offer. Thanks so much, and
have a great day!

Dave Peterson

If your formulas on the original worksheet point to other sheets in the original
workbook, then those formulas will continue to point to that original workbook
after you move it.

You have at least a couple of work-arounds.

#1. Do the move and correct the formulas (a bunch??) of edit|Replaces to remove
the old workbook and old worksheet's name.

#2. Use Edit|Links|Change Source (xl2003 menus) to point to the new workbook
(you'll have to save this new workbook first, though).

#3. Change all the formulas on the original sheet to strings:
Select all the cells
what: = (equal sign)
with: $$$$$=
replace all

Move the sheet

And change all the strings back to formulas:
Select all the cells
what: $$$$$=
with: =
replace all

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