Moving to SATA


Martin Racette


I'm building a new computer and I moving all my HDD from the old computer to the
new, but I was wondering if I use an imaging program such as Acronis Trueimage
8.0, to clone the boot HDD, which is IDE to a bigger SATA one, will the system
bootfrom the SATA after ward?

Thank you in Advance

Merci a l'Avance


Yves Leclerc

Only is you install the SATA drivers before moving the drive.

Also, if the XP is an OEM version, you do not have the right to move the XP
to the new PC. OEM versions are locked to the first PC/motherboard the
software is installed on.

Vagabond Software

Martin Racette said:

I'm building a new computer and I moving all my HDD from the old computer to the
new, but I was wondering if I use an imaging program such as Acronis Trueimage
8.0, to clone the boot HDD, which is IDE to a bigger SATA one, will the system
bootfrom the SATA after ward?


I suppose it might, but it could have trouble with the new motherboard, new video, new audio, new bus controllers, new USB controllers, and so on. You may need to do a repair install after swapping the image to the new system.



No: 1
Make sure that you XP licence agreement allows for Mobo migration or you are
'in the briar patch'
No: 2
Install RAID drivers in 'old' system
No: 3
Set up the STA drive and clone C Drive to it on the old system.
No: 4
Build new PC
No: 5
Say a little prayer
No: 6
Build up new PC
No: 7
Boot up to XP CD and perform a repair installation to set to new Mobo [if
not in vioation of the EULA]
No: 8
Celebrate when everything works again.


When I got my New SATA Drive it came with software that when formating the
drive it gives you the option to copy over from old drive and make it the
boot drive. I did this and most things worked great. Problems with office and
Norton are fixable by going through a few steps. Also I did a repair but had
to make a specail XP disk that had sp2 on it. I think I may have some
registry errors but nothing that I couldn't deal with.

BAR said:
No: 1
Make sure that you XP licence agreement allows for Mobo migration or you are
'in the briar patch'
No: 2
Install RAID drivers in 'old' system
No: 3
Set up the STA drive and clone C Drive to it on the old system.
No: 4
Build new PC
No: 5
Say a little prayer
No: 6
Build up new PC
No: 7
Boot up to XP CD and perform a repair installation to set to new Mobo [if
not in vioation of the EULA]
No: 8
Celebrate when everything works again.

Vagabond Software said:
I suppose it might, but it could have trouble with the new motherboard, new video, new audio, new bus controllers, new USB controllers, and so on. You may need to do a repair install after swapping the image to the new system.


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