moving to aparticular view - SOUNDS SIMPLE?!

  • Thread starter Thread starter jason
  • Start date Start date


maybe this is very simple, but its got me!

I have a list 5000 rows long in sheet2.
Sheet1 has a cell which says a cell address e.g A2563, and a command
button called View.
When I hit the button I want to activate sheet2 (easy), select A2563
(easy) and be able to see what is in cell A2563. At the moment its
jumping to sheet2 and selecting the cell ok but I'm still left viewing
range("A1") and the top of the spreadsheet on my screen!!

Is there a property of range("A2563") which will let me scoll the
correct amount so that its in view - or am I just missing something

Help greatly appreciated.
Cheers Tom

One of those non-intuitive ones (would have thought it would of
atleast had "select" or "activate" in the answer)
