Moving to another record on a form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joan
  • Start date Start date


I have a form that is opened with the OpenForm method without any WHERE
criteria argument. When I delete a record on a subform in the form, the
form then moves to the first record in the recordset. I would like to set a
control on the main form to the value of a control in the subform footer for
the original record. How do I get the form to show the original record
again so that I can set the value of the control on the main form? I've
tried the following code to no avail.

Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim iAns As Integer

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me!cboChargeCode & ". OK?", vbYesNo)
If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
'It is at this point that the form moves to the first record of the
recordset when I don't want it to.

DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]![ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub

What am I doing wrong?

----- Joan wrote: ----

I have a form that is opened with the OpenForm method without any WHER
criteria argument. When I delete a record on a subform in the form, th
form then moves to the first record in the recordset. I would like to set
control on the main form to the value of a control in the subform footer fo
the original record. How do I get the form to show the original recor
again so that I can set the value of the control on the main form? I'v
tried the following code to no avail

Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click(
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Clic
Dim Myrs As Objec
Dim InvNum As Lon
Dim iAns As Intege

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumbe

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me!cboChargeCode & ". OK?", vbYesNo
If iAns = vbYes The
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecor
End I
'It is at this point that the form moves to the first record of th
recordset when I don't want it to

DoCmd.FindRecord InvNu

With Me.Paren
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]![ExtendedPriceSum
End Wit

Exit Su

MsgBox Err.Descriptio
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Clic

End Su

What am I doing wrong


Hi Joan, when you have deleted a record there's no going back to it - it doesn't exist any more. If you want to use a value in a record that is to be deleted, get the value first, then delete it


This is what I tried to do setting variable InvNum =
at the beginning of my code. Then later after I have deleted the record in
the subform, I try to go back to the main record in the main form by
putting: DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum in my code. What am I doing wrong?
Why is DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum not working?


Jonathan Parminter said:
----- Joan wrote: -----

I have a form that is opened with the OpenForm method without any WHERE
criteria argument. When I delete a record on a subform in the form, the
form then moves to the first record in the recordset. I would like to set a
control on the main form to the value of a control in the subform footer for
the original record. How do I get the form to show the original record
again so that I can set the value of the control on the main form? I've
tried the following code to no avail.

Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim iAns As Integer

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me!cboChargeCode & ". OK?", vbYesNo)
If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
'It is at this point that the form moves to the first record of the
recordset when I don't want it to.

DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]![ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub

What am I doing wrong?


Hi Joan, when you have deleted a record there's no going back to it -
it doesn't exist any more. If you want to use a value in a record that is to
be deleted, get the value first, then delete it.
-----Original Message-----

This is what I tried to do setting variable InvNum =
at the beginning of my code. Then later after I have deleted the record in
the subform, I try to go back to the main record in the main form by
putting: DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum in my code. What am I doing wrong?
Why is DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum not working?

Hi Joan, sorry that I missed that in your post. You only
have part of the criteria. That is, in what field
is 'Access' to look for InvNum and using which comparative
test (=, <, <=, <>, >=, >). Try

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & InvNum

This assumes the value stored in InvNum is numeric. If the
value stored in the variable InvNum is a date then use

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=#" & InvNum
& "#"

If the value stored in the variable InvNum is a text
string then combine with quotes using

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & chr(34) & InvNum
& chr(34)


I tried what you suggested, using DoCmd.FindRecord "[Invoice Number]=" &
InvNum in my code and it didn't work. So then I tried the following line
instead: DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum. It
doesn't return to the main record in the main form either. The record
source for the EditDeleteInvoice is the Invoices table. What else should I
check or be doing?


Here is the code that I am running:
Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim iAns As Integer

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me!cboChargeCode & ". OK?",
If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If

DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]![ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub

Jonathan Parminter said:
-----Original Message-----

This is what I tried to do setting variable InvNum =
at the beginning of my code. Then later after I have deleted the record in
the subform, I try to go back to the main record in the main form by
putting: DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum in my code. What am I doing wrong?
Why is DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum not working?

Hi Joan, sorry that I missed that in your post. You only
have part of the criteria. That is, in what field
is 'Access' to look for InvNum and using which comparative
test (=, <, <=, <>, >=, >). Try

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & InvNum

This assumes the value stored in InvNum is numeric. If the
value stored in the variable InvNum is a date then use

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=#" & InvNum
& "#"

If the value stored in the variable InvNum is a text
string then combine with quotes using

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & chr(34) & InvNum
& chr(34)

-----Original Message-----

I tried what you suggested, using
DoCmd.FindRecord "[Invoice Number]=" &
InvNum in my code and it didn't work. So then I tried the following line
instead: DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum. It
doesn't return to the main record in the main form either. The record
source for the EditDeleteInvoice is the Invoices table. What else should I
check or be doing?


Joan, where is the code running? That is, is the code
located on the subform. If 'yes' then the docmd.findrecord
line is looking to find a record in the subform

use the following as an example to search from the subform
for a main form record.

dim frm as form

set frm = forms("main form name")
frm.recordsetclone.findfirst [Invoice Number]=" & InvNum
frm.bookmark = frm.recordsetclone.bookmark

If the code is located on the main form, then the record
is deleted from the recordsource of the main form - could
this also be the record that you are searching for?

Here is the code that I am running:
Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim iAns As Integer

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me! cboChargeCode & ". OK?",
If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If

DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]! [ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub

"Jonathan Parminter"
-----Original Message-----

This is what I tried to do setting variable InvNum =
at the beginning of my code. Then later after I have deleted the record in
the subform, I try to go back to the main record in the main form by
putting: DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum in my code.
am I doing wrong?
Why is DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum not working?

Hi Joan, sorry that I missed that in your post. You only
have part of the criteria. That is, in what field
is 'Access' to look for InvNum and using which comparative
test (=, <, <=, <>, >=, >). Try

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & InvNum

This assumes the value stored in InvNum is numeric. If the
value stored in the variable InvNum is a date then use

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=#" & InvNum
& "#"

If the value stored in the variable InvNum is a text
string then combine with quotes using

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & chr(34) & InvNum
& chr(34)



I tried using your example to search from the subform for a main form
record. Below is the code.
However, I get a run-time error on the line: !txtDebit =
The error states: "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit." What
does this mean?

Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim iAns As Integer
Dim frm As Form

Set frm = Forms("EditDeleteInvoice")

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber
iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me!cboChargeCode & ". OK?", vbYesNo)

If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
frm.RecordsetClone.FindFirst [Invoice Number] = " & InvNum"
frm.Bookmark = frm.RecordsetClone.Bookmark

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]![ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub


Jonathan Parminter said:
-----Original Message-----

I tried what you suggested, using
DoCmd.FindRecord "[Invoice Number]=" &
InvNum in my code and it didn't work. So then I tried the following line
instead: DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum. It
doesn't return to the main record in the main form either. The record
source for the EditDeleteInvoice is the Invoices table. What else should I
check or be doing?


Joan, where is the code running? That is, is the code
located on the subform. If 'yes' then the docmd.findrecord
line is looking to find a record in the subform

use the following as an example to search from the subform
for a main form record.

dim frm as form

set frm = forms("main form name")
frm.recordsetclone.findfirst [Invoice Number]=" & InvNum
frm.bookmark = frm.recordsetclone.bookmark

If the code is located on the main form, then the record
is deleted from the recordsource of the main form - could
this also be the record that you are searching for?

Here is the code that I am running:
Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim iAns As Integer

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me! cboChargeCode & ". OK?",
If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If

DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]! [ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub

"Jonathan Parminter"
-----Original Message-----

This is what I tried to do setting variable InvNum =
at the beginning of my code. Then later after I have
deleted the record in
the subform, I try to go back to the main record in the
main form by
putting: DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum in my code. What
am I doing wrong?
Why is DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum not working?


Hi Joan, sorry that I missed that in your post. You only
have part of the criteria. That is, in what field
is 'Access' to look for InvNum and using which comparative
test (=, <, <=, <>, >=, >). Try

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & InvNum

This assumes the value stored in InvNum is numeric. If the
value stored in the variable InvNum is a date then use

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=#" & InvNum
& "#"

If the value stored in the variable InvNum is a text
string then combine with quotes using

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & chr(34) & InvNum
& chr(34)



Please read my other post first. I got the code to work without the
run-time error by using the .Edit method on frm.Recordset before trying to
set the value of Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtDebit. See below:
frm.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Invoice Number] = " & InvNum
frm.Bookmark = frm.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
With frm.Recordset
End With
With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]![ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Thanks so much for all of your help.


Jonathan Parminter said:
-----Original Message-----

I tried what you suggested, using
DoCmd.FindRecord "[Invoice Number]=" &
InvNum in my code and it didn't work. So then I tried the following line
instead: DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum. It
doesn't return to the main record in the main form either. The record
source for the EditDeleteInvoice is the Invoices table. What else should I
check or be doing?


Joan, where is the code running? That is, is the code
located on the subform. If 'yes' then the docmd.findrecord
line is looking to find a record in the subform

use the following as an example to search from the subform
for a main form record.

dim frm as form

set frm = forms("main form name")
frm.recordsetclone.findfirst [Invoice Number]=" & InvNum
frm.bookmark = frm.recordsetclone.bookmark

If the code is located on the main form, then the record
is deleted from the recordsource of the main form - could
this also be the record that you are searching for?

Here is the code that I am running:
Private Sub cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click
Dim InvNum As Long
Dim Myrs As Object
Dim iAns As Integer

InvNum = Forms!EditDeleteInvoice!txtInvoiceNumber

iAns = MsgBox("This will delete " & Me! cboChargeCode & ". OK?",
If iAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If

DoCmd.FindRecord "Invoices.[Invoice Number]=" & InvNum

With Me.Parent
!txtDebit = ![InvoiceDetailsSubEdit]! [ExtendedPriceSum]
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteOthChrg_Click

End Sub

"Jonathan Parminter"
-----Original Message-----

This is what I tried to do setting variable InvNum =
at the beginning of my code. Then later after I have
deleted the record in
the subform, I try to go back to the main record in the
main form by
putting: DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum in my code. What
am I doing wrong?
Why is DoCmd.FindRecord InvNum not working?


Hi Joan, sorry that I missed that in your post. You only
have part of the criteria. That is, in what field
is 'Access' to look for InvNum and using which comparative
test (=, <, <=, <>, >=, >). Try

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & InvNum

This assumes the value stored in InvNum is numeric. If the
value stored in the variable InvNum is a date then use

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=#" & InvNum
& "#"

If the value stored in the variable InvNum is a text
string then combine with quotes using

DoCmd.FindRecord "[FieldName]=" & chr(34) & InvNum
& chr(34)

