Moving the WINNT\

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roberto Pareja
  • Start date Start date

Roberto Pareja

We have a 72GB partitioned as follows:
c: 20GB for Windows 2000 and programs
d: 5GB for Swapfile and Temporary files
e: 40GB for Data
Now we realized that by mistake the operator configured
and installed the AD wrong. The directory \WINNT with the
subdirectories \NTDS and \SYSVOL were installed in the D:
We started to define policies, users, etc. Now we are
noticing that the d: drive is becoming too small.....
Is there a procedure to "move" those system directories
to the E: drive?
Please don't tell me that the only way would be to demote
the DC and promote it again correctly....If this is the
only solution, is there a way to save all policies,
users, shares, printers, etc. that I have already defined
in the AD?
Thanks for your help,