moving sent items location for all users

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I have been trying to automate client side rules but no luck so if anyone knows a way that would solve this one for me but..

A com add-in can be used to change where sent items end up already so it seems. My issue is I use the "oracle connector" to get outlook talking to our orrible IMAP servers and worse Steltor/oracle calendar. Actually they are ok if you use the whole suite but a bit nasty on their own... Main issue is sent items are stored in the sent items folder on the server. We have a low email/mb limit so that is no good. I can use a rule to copy them to my PST and then remove the "retain a copy of sent items" type option and that works fine. However I need to automate that as we have a few 000's desktops

So I see this lin

OL: A Sample COM Add-in That Uses the Visual Basic 6.0 Add-in Templat
This article describes how to use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and its standard add-in template to create an Outlook Component Object Model (COM) add-in. The sample add-in implements the Outlook ItemSend event, so that you can save specific sent-mail messages to a folder other than the Sent Items folder;EN-US;31698

Looks promising. I've not done anything with com add-ins or VBA but I use VBscript a lot and could probably hack my way through. My question is will this all work with Outlook 2003 and .NET as a development platform or does it need to change a lot. also any better ideas? links? suggestions
Since I recently traveled the same path...

If you plan to develop with VS.Net and are not worried
about compatibility with previous version of Office. I
would recommend the following link:;en-

Which details the creation of a COM Add-In using VS.Net--
slightly different environment that VB6.
-----Original Message-----

I have been trying to automate client side rules but no
luck so if anyone knows a way that would solve this one
for me but...
A com add-in can be used to change where sent items end
up already so it seems. My issue is I use the "oracle
connector" to get outlook talking to our orrible IMAP
servers and worse Steltor/oracle calendar. Actually they
are ok if you use the whole suite but a bit nasty on
their own... Main issue is sent items are stored in the
sent items folder on the server. We have a low email/mb
limit so that is no good. I can use a rule to copy them
to my PST and then remove the "retain a copy of sent
items" type option and that works fine. However I need
to automate that as we have a few 000's desktops.
So I see this link

OL: A Sample COM Add-in That Uses the Visual Basic 6.0 Add-in Template
This article describes how to use Microsoft Visual Basic
6.0 and its standard add-in template to create an Outlook
Component Object Model (COM) add-in. The sample add-in
implements the Outlook ItemSend event, so that you can
save specific sent-mail messages to a folder other than
the Sent Items folder.;EN- US;316983

Looks promising. I've not done anything with com add-
ins or VBA but I use VBscript a lot and could probably
hack my way through. My question is will this all work
with Outlook 2003 and .NET as a development platform or
does it need to change a lot. also any better ideas?
links? suggestions?
Thanks Mark

That link looks like it will save me quite some time. I am indeed
installing .net as I write this.

Looks like a bit of a learning curve but I'd like to complete it at home
before we raise another resourse to do it.

nice one ;)