Moving RAID.0 array to new motherboard (from Nforce4 Ultra + Sil3114)

Aug 20, 2009
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My MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum is GONE, and I had 5 disks on it:

Disk 1: No RAID - OS - WinXP installed
Disk 2+3: RAID.0 on Nforce4 Ultra MCP controller (onboard)
Disk 4+5: RAID.0 on Sillicon Image Sil3114 controller (onboard)

Questions are:

1- Anyone knows if ANY CURRENT Nforce/Nvidia motherboards model is RETRO COMPATIBLE with the legacy NFORCE4 controllers (with AMD CPU)?

-> In case not, any solution to access the RAID from the NForce4?

2- Since I think no new motherboards have Sillicon RAID controllers (now have AMD/NVIDIA only), anyone knows any PCI controller to attach to the new motherboard COMPATIBLE with the Sil3114? (I read that the new Sillicon controllers are generally compatible with the old ones), so I can access the Disk 4+5.

Thank you!
