Moving .PST file to a new computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill
  • Start date Start date


I want to move my .PST file from my original laptop with Outlook 2000 to my new laptop
with Outlook 2002. I've already move all my POP3 email accounts there. Now I want to
recreate my emails, rules, and my Outlook Bar.

After moving my Outlook 2000 .PST file to a folder on my new machine:

1. How, exactly, do I grab the new .PST file? Is it just File > Open > Personal Folders
2. What does this NOT do? For example, will moving the .PST file also move my rules and
my Outlook Bar, or is there another procedure?

Just wanna do it right...


Also, where do I find my Outlook 2000 signatures, and views, and how can I move them to
Outlook 2002?

FYI - I don't want to "import" my existing data, as my Outlook 2002 already uses a small
..pst file that I use to back up contacts for my cell phone. I need that untouched.

From Outlook 2000, I want to move my main .PST file, along with Views and Signatures, to
Outlook 2002. (Sorry if I didn't make this clear from the beginning.)


Bill - PST's are by default in %USERPROFILE%\Local Setting\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook (Where %USERPROFILE% is in Documents and Settings) the
Fav's and whatnot are I believe in %USERPROFILE%>Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook - also note that during an Import/Export you can
choose what and where and are more assured of getting what you need my
experiance in moving pst's have been haphazard sometimes it works and
sometimes it's a fight
I know where the .pst file is. But I do NOT want to do an import because as I indicated
that will merge with my existing .PST, which I do NOT want to do.

I believe I want to do, from OL2002, is File > Open > Personal Folders File, but I do
not know what settings that will include and what I need to move manually.
Normally one just opens a PST file from another installation and sets it as
the default in Data File Management.
Bill said:
I want to move my .PST file from my original laptop with Outlook 2000
to my new laptop with Outlook 2002. I've already move all my POP3
email accounts there. Now I want to recreate my emails, rules, and my
Outlook Bar.

After moving my Outlook 2000 .PST file to a folder on my new machine:

1. How, exactly, do I grab the new .PST file? Is it just File > Open
2. What does this NOT do? For example, will moving the .PST file also
move my rules and my Outlook Bar, or is there another procedure?

Just wanna do it right...

See this:
Bill said:
I believe I want to do, from OL2002, is File > Open > Personal
Folders File, but I do not know what settings that will include and
what I need to move manually.

What you WANT to do is use Control Panel's Mail applet, click the Data Files
button and add the PST in there. Then click the E-mail Accounts button,
click Next and in the "Delivery new e-mail to the following location"
drop-down, choose the PST you just added. Then start Outlook.
Followed the process in your links. Imported the .PST file O.K., but when I moved the
..FAV file for the Outlook Bar each folder shortcut on the Outlook Bar was there, but all
were broken. it was easier to take 1/2 and hour to recreate all the shortcuts. Other
than that, thanks!

Bill said:
Followed the process in your links. Imported the .PST file O.K., but
when I moved the .FAV file for the Outlook Bar each folder shortcut
on the Outlook Bar was there, but all were broken. it was easier to
take 1/2 and hour to recreate all the shortcuts. Other than that,

Never import a PST. It's unnecessary and you lose data.