In changing jobs I've taken over a laptop with a very old program, Novell
PerfectWorks 2.1, installed on it. I need to access a database created in
this program, ideally on my PC. However, the database is in a unique format
(*.wpw); and my new employer cannot find the original installation disks,
so I can't install PW on my PC.
The machines are networked, so I can share files between them. Is there a
freeware program that will allow me to copy the installed application
(including registry entries) from the laptop to the PC?
PerfectWorks 2.1, installed on it. I need to access a database created in
this program, ideally on my PC. However, the database is in a unique format
(*.wpw); and my new employer cannot find the original installation disks,
so I can't install PW on my PC.
The machines are networked, so I can share files between them. Is there a
freeware program that will allow me to copy the installed application
(including registry entries) from the laptop to the PC?