Mike Edwards
I have a Win2K Server with a relatively small C: drive
partition and a large RAID E: drive partition. I'd like to
move some or all of either the Progam Files subdirectories
or the IIS inetpub directory to the larger drive but am
worried that many things will break if I simply move the
folders (registry entries would probably be hosed). The
Knowlegebase did not address this problem and I wonder if
anyone knows of a safe solution.
partition and a large RAID E: drive partition. I'd like to
move some or all of either the Progam Files subdirectories
or the IIS inetpub directory to the larger drive but am
worried that many things will break if I simply move the
folders (registry entries would probably be hosed). The
Knowlegebase did not address this problem and I wonder if
anyone knows of a safe solution.