A couple of simple questions that I can't find an answer to. Any hel
gratefully received! I'm using Excel 2000.
I have a document containing about 40 pages. To simplify navigation
I've set up an index page. When I open the file, I'd like it to open a
sheet1 (index) automatically - is this possible?
I'm using simple macro buttons to move. I can get to the sheet OK, bu
I've added code to move the cursor to cell A1 - Range ("A1").select
but this generates an error code. There must be a better way to d
this - any ideas?
Stuart Hasting
gratefully received! I'm using Excel 2000.
I have a document containing about 40 pages. To simplify navigation
I've set up an index page. When I open the file, I'd like it to open a
sheet1 (index) automatically - is this possible?
I'm using simple macro buttons to move. I can get to the sheet OK, bu
I've added code to move the cursor to cell A1 - Range ("A1").select
but this generates an error code. There must be a better way to d
this - any ideas?
Stuart Hasting