Assuming your data is in A1:A1000
Insert a column such that your data is now in Col B
In your new A1 put a header abc
In cell A2 put =MOD(ROW(),2) and copy down as far as necessary.
Copy the whole of Column B and paste it into Column C such that the two
columns of data are exactly the same and side by side.
Select cell C1 and do edit / delete / Shift cells up
What will have just happened is that all your data on every other row now
looks just like you want it to.
Copy Col A and then paste special as values
Select Col A and do data / Filter / Autofilter, and assuming you had headers
in row 1 in cell A3 you should see the first row of data you don't want, and
in cell A3 you will see a 1 so filter on 1s.
Now select A2:A100 or whatever the last row of data you can see is. Then do
edit / Go To / Special / Visible cells only, then do Edit / delete / Entire
Take the filter off of Col A and you are done.
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission
