moving disks around - help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Socks the white house cat
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Socks the white house cat

I'm trying to help a friend here.

System specs

Windows XP v5.1 build 2600, professional edition
Single physical disk with two logical drives C: and D:, FAT32 file system
I dont know if they are in separate partitions or not, since I dont know XP
disk config that well.

C: with 3.75GB is filling up (98% used)
D: with 5.62GB has 78% free space.

Basic objective is to expand amount of free space on C:. I dont see
anything moveable currently on C:

She has defragged D: Last half of the drive is empty

She would ideally like to make D: disappear and have a 9.3GB C: drive that
contains all the existing data on C: & D:

I think she can live with losing the data on D: if she has to. She has

As an alternative, it looks to me like I can span C: to pick up the empty
back half of D:

She can pick up 1.3GB by reinstalling all of her program files directory
from C: to D:, one at a time. yuck. Lots of work for less benefit.
Definitely not my favorite fallback.

I am open to any and all suggestions.
You cannot change partition size on the fly in XP. For this, you need third
party software such as Partition Magic or Bootit. The only way you could do
what you appear to be trying to do natively in XP is to delete the D
partition and then expand the C partition using the available free space.

Hard Drive free space is "Unpartitioned" space as opposed to free space on a
partition which is simply an unused portion of the partition. You need
unpartitioned space to perform this function in XP, hence, in order to keep
her data intact, you would need to use third party software as described
above to decrease the size of one partition and increase the other partition
into that newly created free space. You cannot do that natively in XP
without losing the users data on the partition you wish to reduce in size.
Someday in the distant future, archeologists digging thru the ruins of
microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage will discover that
You cannot change partition size on the fly in XP. For this, you need
third party software such as Partition Magic or Bootit. The only way
you could do what you appear to be trying to do natively in XP is to
delete the D partition and then expand the C partition using the
available free space.

thank you for your assistance. I thought I had partition magic, but I
dont. I'm giving her machine back with a recommendation that she take it
to a nearby store that does this type of thing
You're welcome.

Michael Solomon MS-MVP
Windows Shell/User
Backup is a PC User's Best Friend

Socks the white house cat said:
Someday in the distant future, archeologists digging thru the ruins of
microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage will discover that
You cannot change partition size on the fly in XP. For this, you need
third party software such as Partition Magic or Bootit. The only way
you could do what you appear to be trying to do natively in XP is to
delete the D partition and then expand the C partition using the
available free space.

thank you for your assistance. I thought I had partition magic, but I
dont. I'm giving her machine back with a recommendation that she take it
to a nearby store that does this type of thing