moving desktop (and other system) file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gilbert De Ceulaer
  • Start date Start date

Gilbert De Ceulaer

How can I change the location of my desktop-file ?
I want to have it in C:\D\TRANSPORT\DESKTOP.

I once found the answer using "regedit", but I can not find it on the
internet anymore..

Anyway, I tried to experiment (dangerous, I know) but when I try to change
teh value of "Common Desktop" in
Folders, the change does not register, I mean that when I restart the
computer, the value is returned to his previous value.

Can somebody help me, please ?
Replied to [Gilbert De Ceulaer]s message :
How can I change the location of my desktop-file ?
I want to have it in C:\D\TRANSPORT\DESKTOP.

I once found the answer using "regedit", but I can not find it on the
internet anymore..

Anyway, I tried to experiment (dangerous, I know) but when I try to change
teh value of "Common Desktop" in
Folders, the change does not register, I mean that when I restart the
computer, the value is returned to his previous value.

Dont change that in HKLM, change it here :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Change the value of User Shell Folders (not Shell Folder) > Desktop then reboot..
How can I change the location of my desktop-file ?
I want to have it in C:\D\TRANSPORT\DESKTOP.

I once found the answer using "regedit", but I can not find it on the
internet anymore..

Anyway, I tried to experiment (dangerous, I know) but when I try to change
teh value of "Common Desktop" in
Folders, the change does not register, I mean that when I restart the
computer, the value is returned to his previous value.

Get hold of Microsoft's free program "TweakUI". REad about it here:-

Download it here:-

When you run it, go to:-

My Computer | Special Folders

where you will be able to select a new location for many things
including your desktop folder