Moving curser in forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ellen
  • Start date Start date


When entering information into forms - how do you
programme the cursor to move where you want it to? For
eaxample, I have a form with input cells running across
the page as well as down. I'd like the cursor to move
across the first row on pressing return/tab, then jump to
the first cell in the second row and so on. Should I be
recording a macro or building an expression
or....something else?

Thanks in advance.
Goodness! Your post is nearly exactly the same as the one posted yesterday
by Abigail. Here is the answer provided to Abigail, as it seems
appropriate to your question as well:

You are referring to Tab Order and Tab Index. You can set the order in
which you want your controls to have the focus individually, using each
control's Tab Index property, starting with 0 for the first control.

Or, you can right click in the upper left corner of the form's design (the
little box to the left of the ruler), and select the TabOrder wizard.

If you have follow-up questions or need more information, please respond to
*this* thread rather than starting a new one.
In design view of the form, go to View menu and choose tab order - set it to
your liking.