I'm affriad i'm a bit of a novice to VB but have been asked to create a
I wanted to create a map which will display powerstations in thier
correct geographical positions. I have a combobox (which is linked to a
database in excel) and when the powerstation name is selected I want
the corresponding label to appear on the map in the correct position??
I have a coordinate system working on my image/map,
Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As
Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
'show X,Y for station reference purposes
fr_coord.tb_x_coord.Value = X
fr_coord.tb_y_coord.Value = Y
End Sub
I thought i would be able to use these coordinates to position the
label with the Moveto command but it isn't there in my version of VB
Any help would be much appreiciated
I'm affriad i'm a bit of a novice to VB but have been asked to create a
I wanted to create a map which will display powerstations in thier
correct geographical positions. I have a combobox (which is linked to a
database in excel) and when the powerstation name is selected I want
the corresponding label to appear on the map in the correct position??
I have a coordinate system working on my image/map,
Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As
Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
'show X,Y for station reference purposes
fr_coord.tb_x_coord.Value = X
fr_coord.tb_y_coord.Value = Y
End Sub
I thought i would be able to use these coordinates to position the
label with the Moveto command but it isn't there in my version of VB
Any help would be much appreiciated