moving colors?



I am setting up a spreadsheet to monitor diaries at work.

I am fine with everythig except copying colors form one cell ref to another.

I have an"input" page where you put staff details, interview names, an
abbreviation for the interview and the length of the interview.

Then i have 5 pages one for each day.

The spreadsheet calculates at the bottom of the day page the numbers of
interviews and time spent interviewing and all of this works fine.

I have a list at the bottom that pulls info from the input page and this is
where i hit a wall. It pulls the interview type but how do i get it to pull
the colours i want to use.

The formula is

this pulls whatever the interview on the input page is across. Is there any
way to get it to pull the color they have shaded the box as well ?

Dave Peterson

Formulas return values to the cells that hold those formulas--they don't return
this kind of formatting.

copy|paste special|formats


this does move the color but i need it to update the day if the color on the
inout page changes

is that possible?

Dave Peterson

Not using formulas.

Depending on how that "sending" cell changes, you may be able to tie into some
worksheet_event that does the actual copy|paste.

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