Moving Chat sample from Http to Ipc channel...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nathan Baulch
  • Start date Start date

Nathan Baulch

After failing to a solution in the remoting newsgroup, I've decided to post
here also.

I'm trying to convert the "Remoted Events (Chat) Sample"
( from Http to Ipc
channels in .net V2.
Since everything is setup in config files, I have only changed the server
and client app.config files (see below).
Unfortunately I'm getting a RemotingException in the client with the
message: "Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file
Is anybody able to shed any light on this? I've used IpcChannel before, but
never set them up from config files.


<wellknown mode="Singleton" type="ChatCoordinator, ChatCoordinator"
objectUri="Chat" />
<!--<channel ref="http" port="8080" />-->
<channel ref="ipc" portname="ChatCentral">
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />


<!--<wellknown type="ChatCoordinator, ChatCoordinator"
url="http://localhost:8080/Chat" />-->
<wellknown type="ChatCoordinator, ChatCoordinator"
url="ipc://ChatCentral/Chat" />
<!--<channel ref="http" port="0" />-->
<channel ref="ipc" portname="ChatClient">
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />

Hello Nathan,

I don't know anything about the M$ example. However, a chat client that
communicated via IPC would be useless.
Your best bet is http or a binary channel of some kind.

a chat client that communicated via IPC would be useless.

I realise that, I'm only using it as a publicly available working example of
remoting with events (bidirectional).
What I eventually want to do is expose the application object of my program
(which has lots of events) via IPC for automation by third parties.
Is anybody able to shed any light on this? I've used IpcChannel before,
but never set them up from config files.

For the benefit of the group, the problem was that the portName attribute in
the client channel has a capital N.