I have recently moved the location of a project folder and now I am
having some trouble getting an error free build. The most noted error I get
is the following.....
d:\M300\src\Logger\App.cpp(10): fatal error C1084: Cannot read CLR runtime
data file: 'c:\m300\src\logger\debug\stdafx.obj': <Unknown>
....As you can see, is says it cannot read CLR runtime data file
That is the old path of the project folder. What in the project do I have
to manually update so that it knows where to look?
I have recently moved the location of a project folder and now I am
having some trouble getting an error free build. The most noted error I get
is the following.....
d:\M300\src\Logger\App.cpp(10): fatal error C1084: Cannot read CLR runtime
data file: 'c:\m300\src\logger\debug\stdafx.obj': <Unknown>
....As you can see, is says it cannot read CLR runtime data file
That is the old path of the project folder. What in the project do I have
to manually update so that it knows where to look?