movies for ipod touch

Jul 29, 2008
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To put fils and tv shows on your ipod touch can you only buy them from itunes or is there a way to use the dvd's you have at home or another cheaper website?
bmd16 said:
To put fils and tv shows on your ipod touch can you only buy them from itunes or is there a way to use the dvd's you have at home or another cheaper website?

No, in short iTunes is not the only way..There is a multitude of software available on the net for converting your DvD's to iPod..Its just a matter of searching and finding one thats good and one you like..
Bear in mind the majority of software will only convert movies to a format suitable for iPod, PSP etc where there are no anti-piracy measures in place on the original DVD.

Which pretty much rules out most commercial DVD's.

Do a little searching via Google, ASK etc...

Theses folk have some pretty good software.
