Movie Sound Very Fast

  • Thread starter Thread starter JanD
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I just udated to Movie Maker 2 When I play a video the
voices are extremely fast and does not go with the
video.Does anyone have the same problem? When I slow it
down to half speed that does not sound right either.. Any
help would be appreciated. Thank you
i have the exact same problem.. everythings sounds wicked fast and then ends way before the video does.
I read on microsoft that if you have an older version of
windvd (Ihave windvd4)purchase a newer version and that
may correct it. I also read that someone else that has
the same problem does not even have windvd on his
computer so how could this possible solve this problem. I
would think Microsoft would have a fix for their product
and not assume that a newer version of another product
would fix this escpecially when it is doing it to other
people's system that do not even have a copy of windvd on
thiers. The viseo sounds correct when it is in the top
part of the program. When it is brought down to
storybook, then played is where the problem occurs,
(fast). Again any help would be appreciated. Thanks
-----Original Message-----
i have the same problem.. everythings sounds fast and
then ends before the video does.
i too have the same problem. am combing websites for information. in movie maker 1, the same thing happened but not consistently. entire movie plays normally in windows media player and in the top pane of movie maker 2, until transfered to the storyboard. frustrating. i'd appreciate any insight.
Yes we have seen this with some versions of WinDVD installed.


If you don't want to upgrade your version of WinDVD, although it's not
supported, you should also be able to fix it by renaming a couple of files.
In your WinDVD program directory you should see the two files &, rename them to something like & Do
your stuff in MovieMaker and when you want to go back to WinDVD rename those
two files back again.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

c e prescott said:
i too have the same problem. am combing websites for information. in
movie maker 1, the same thing happened but not consistently. entire movie
plays normally in windows media player and in the top pane of movie maker 2,
until transfered to the storyboard. frustrating. i'd appreciate any
Thank you I will try it, but I still do not see why
Microsoft does not come up with a fix for this. WinDVD
should not really have any effect on this problem. I
still think that Microsoft should come up with some kind
of fix. Very inconvinient to have to change file names
or purchase another upgrade of a different product to fix
a bug in MM2. Will purchasing a newer version of WinDVD
solve the problem in all cases?
Thank you agian for your help >-----Original Message-----
Yes we totally understand that things like this are frustrating for our
users and you can be rest assured that we are working on ways to improve
this situation in future versions of MovieMaker.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
I wish you'd stop telling peole that it is WinDVD's fault--it has absolutley NOTHING to do with WinDVD, changing the file names will do NOTHING, and upgrading will solve NOTHING. It's a BUG in Microsoft's application--I wish you would just acknowledge that.

----- Dean Rowe [MS] wrote: ----

Yes we totally understand that things like this are frustrating for ou
users and you can be rest assured that we are working on ways to improv
this situation in future versions of MovieMaker
Dean Row
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no rights
Hi there Jan, Eric and Espo,

You can download a utility I have written that will fix your problem if
it a matter of codecs such as those that come with WinDVD 4.

The program is called "Rename Codecs" and is available from my website.
There are now a quite large number of people using it with complete success.
Before you use it take a look at the very short tutorial on my website...its
short because there is almost nothing to do.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly